SirAlan 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMPORTANT: At 2:13 look at hydraulic leak on tractor from shot..... can anyone line up elevation and line of sight. May be another shooter at the gym at 500 yards past Cooks.

ALSO, at 1:00 look at lady to Trumps left, 1st or second row, white outfit, sunglasses and dark hat.... turning towards where shot will be coming from and filming. What is she seeing. Never flinches after shot, keeps filming.

SirAlan 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I said early on, would love for him to be AG and go after ALL the DS, with massive indictments. Put the fear of God into them, so they won't do this again. He knows how to make cases against them.... corporations, CIA, FBI, govt., etc. I want him on the team!!!

SirAlan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look at these two videos.... 1) talked about distance to Trump and FBI saying how far bullet traveled (nearly 500 yds, not the 150 of "shooter"). Direct line of sight beyond Cooks position is a gym that is at nearly 500 yards. Suppose "real shooter" is there OR water tower, and "patsy" shooter is Cooks, for optics. There are some witnesses that said they saw people on both sites. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_35VaJ9JXI&t=6s Then see this one where she talks about no "heavy equipment" in place to block view from Cooks position. https://rumble.com/v5768oy-exclusive-on-trump-assassination.html


SirAlan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does it give any info as to where another shot might have come from?

SirAlan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone.... keep digging. See this about Cory (died at Trump shooting). https://greatawakening.win/p/17teNkEsLw/what-is-the-dod-glass-and-cory-c/c/ Not in new is his connection to JSP plastics. Why would the FBI go to his business and collect data. Not even reasonable. So, we need a line of sight trace of where he was seated and see if line passes by Trump and then to Cook. If not then we have another shooter!!!!!

SirAlan 5 points ago +5 / -0

See this connection with Cory Compadore and JSP plastics. https://greatawakening.win/p/17teNkEsLw/what-is-the-dod-glass-and-cory-c/c/ Why is FBI even at JSP collecting computers.... if he was an innocent bystander you don't go to his business and collect data. How could he be connected if he was accidentally shot????

What we need is a line of sight from cory to shooter and see if it lines up with Trump as a near miss, or some other angle which means another shooter!!!

SirAlan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you very much for info.... please keep going on this. Makes you think there may have been a real shooter further away.

SirAlan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I predict JB will drop out of the race just before or during the Dem convention, opening the door for another candidate like Gov of California or Michael. Someone that no one voted for and little time to attack before Nov. 6.

SirAlan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Looking at bottom photo, you can see a forks, splitting, going upward. That is an earth discharge going UPWARD, and not a lightening strike from clouds above. Also, note brighter on bottom, not top. This energy release (earth discharge) is often seen prior to major earthquakes within 100 miles. Yep, had one in NJ just afterwards.

SirAlan 8 points ago +8 / -0

So DJT post then nearly $0.5 billion bond including the 9% interest NY is charging. Then gets it thrown out on appeal. Gets damages plus interest because of excess fine. NY goes broke trying to pay! HAHAHA

SirAlan 8 points ago +9 / -1

See link in title. I have talked about this many times and receive rude comments, down votes, etc. Well here is an official USAF paper from 2015!!! Of course, the US has gone off on climate change as the real problem, trying to manage CO2. Read paper for a better understanding of what we are going to be hit with within next 20 years. This is for YOUR survival, and don't expect government to come to your aid.

SirAlan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, suggest you read following article where you will find: “Energetic particles can arrive at Earth very quickly, within several minutes to a few hours, with these events lasting for days. Currently, we can only provide forecasts of these events as they are taking place, as it is highly challenging to predict these events before they occur. ... These particles are highly charged and, if they reach Earth’s atmosphere, can potentially disrupt satellites and electronic infrastructure, as well as pose a radiation risk to astronauts and people in airplanes. In 1859, during what’s known as the Carrington Event, a large solar storm caused telegraphic systems across Europe and America to fail. With the modern world so reliant on electronic infrastructure, the potential for harm is much greater.

source: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/mar/source-hazardous-high-energy-particles-located-sun

SirAlan 1 point ago +1 / -0

The next time there is a power outage in you area or if noted in news, go to a map of power outages across the US. I did that and was amazed how LA talk about a power outage, New York had one, but the news never made the connection or investigated it. I did, and within an hour saw numerous outages across the US and Canada, AND oh by the way, there was a major solar ejection (CME). That has led me to watch this over the last 10 years. I am a Ham radio operator and that community has paid attention to this for years. It is amazing how little the press even talks about this. Some suggested web sites for more information: map: https://poweroutage.us
Ham radio coverage: https://www.solarham.net Space weather: https://spaceweathernews.com Bottom Line: Don't just listen to people saying things about what caused this or that.... do your own investigation. You see or hear something, don't go to reporters, investigate. It is real simple and then you have the facts straight.
Most likely way before others. I get down voted all the time, but it is evident they are just repeating hearsay.

SirAlan 5 points ago +5 / -0

First, for background, I spent a year at the South Pole (winter 77-78) so I learned a lot about the program, cost, and effort required to support a base in Antarctica.

Second, a little history: The first ever expedition to reach the Geographic South Pole was led by the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen. He and four others arrived at the pole on 14 December 1911, and planted the Norway flag.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amundsen's_South_Pole_expedition

That means Norway has the only real claim to the geographic South Pole. At the request of Norway, the US built the first station at the South Pole, in part to prevent the Soviet Union from building a station there. Americans have occupied the geographic South Pole continuously since November 1956. The US has no claim to the South Pole. According the the US State Department, "Seven countries (Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom) maintain territorial claims in Antarctica, but the United States and most other countries do not recognize those claims. While the United States maintains a basis to claim territory in Antarctica, it has not made a claim." See:

https://www.state.gov/key-topics-office-of-ocean-and-polar-affairs/antarctic/#:~:text=While the United States maintains,has not made a claim.

As a side bar, this statement is a little wishy washy as other nations, including Russia, had explorers there before the US, and planted flags as claim to various territory. According to wikipedia: "The first Soviet contact with Antarctica was in January 1947 when the Slava whaling flotilla began whaling in Antarctic waters." Russia maintains more bases there than the US. see:


That Russia wasn't there till 1947 is wrong... research Thaddeus von Bellingshausen antarctic expedition of 1819. This is a sad note that he is all but ignored.

Antarctica (the continent) doesn't belong to anyone. There is no single country that owns Antarctica. Instead, Antarctica is governed by a group of nations in a unique international partnership. The Antarctic Treaty, first signed on December 1, 1959, designates Antarctica as a continent devoted to "peace and science". All signatory nations that had a claim, basically gave up any claim as long as the treaty remains in effect.

The Antarctic Treaty (which became effective in 1961) has a specific provision that no action by any nation after 1961 can be the basis of a territorial claim on the continent." "Iran isn’t a signatory to the treaty and might try to do frisky things in Antarctica," Dyer noted. "Those things wouldn’t be recognized by other nations, at least as matters stand now."

If a non-signatory nation had the resources and desire to build a station anywhere in Antarctica, the signatory nations would have a tough time to stop it, other than military option or lengthly court action in an international court?. Current nations that have bases there are supported by the respective nations military due to the need for special resources: ships, planes, and other supply efforts. So some military action might be possible, but what would be the basis of the action?

In FY 2022, US Antarctic Facilities and Operations funding is increased by $8.72 million to $216.02 million.

For a detailed recap of what it took to build the new station, see:
https://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/livingsouthpole/newstation.jsp#:~:text="And to pay our respects,support an array of scientific

BOTTOM LINE: (sorry for long winded response): It is too costly and requires vast resources. Iran is just sticking a needle in the eye of the US, basically saying they can spend the money given to them by the Biden administration any way and any where they feel. They are most likely not thinking of actually going to the South Pole, (or anywhere on the continent), but picking it, just shows that the "conditions" placed on the money is really stupid.

SirAlan 3 points ago +3 / -0


https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/how-has-us-economy-remained-so-resilient-face-much-higher-rates-here-answer Note that there is no talk about stopping employers from hiring illegals. This is why.

This analysis is straight facts so does not touch on political reasons... i.e.: To dilute the white conservative vote, make uni-party of democratic votes, dilute the local conservative majority towards more liberal leaning views to change laws etc.

SirAlan 4 points ago +4 / -0

BRAVO!!! Thanks for this very good review. I have posted this info before and was disappointed that it didn't get much traction. Look. Take this in and think about it. (AND UP VOTE)..Trump wants to get rid of Fed. He can do that by printing a coin worth the trillions we owe (gov't can say what ever they want is currancy), and hand it to the Fed and say here you go.... no more debt. Good luck on getting it changed. That would mean no more interest payments, so no more income tax. I past posts I talked about Spain, and all the gold they hauled back from Americas. Why were they not the richest country on the planet..... it went to the Vatican to pay loan to fight holy wars (France etc.) They ended up broke. Same here in US... huge loans to pay for Saving Democracy in Ukraine etc. Who voted for all these continued wars. PLEASE UP VOTE TO GET THIS TO THE TOP OF THE BOARD. THANKS EVERYONE!!!!1 Great links in comments. WWG1WGA. Pray for Trump, he is going to need it BIGLY.

SirAlan 3 points ago +3 / -0

IT IS NOT FROM FOSSILS. Oil and gas is actually made deep in the earths crust from methane (CH4), which is found throughout the solar system, which is the basis of all long chain hydrocarbons like oil. They found lots of methane on Titan, a moon of Jupiter. Do a simple google search to verify... lots of links. Some will try to say maybe there is life on these moons/planets but this is just like the climate warming narrative... But look at where it is found... MOST OUTER planets and moons... no way was it formed by bacteria hiding in cracks: just too cold. Out science has been corrupted for too long in order to keep research funding flowing. Use your head. So, do you believe danseurs or organic matter live on Titan????? Numerous old oil fields on earth are finding an increase in oil/gas. Renewable???? MSM won't report that.

MSM also says the LNG freeze is affecting Louisiana. But wait... A major LNG site in Texas is being affected by the shut down.... political hit on Texas???? They will stop at nothing to keep border open. Freeze is only till after election. Oh, nothing to see here. Just move along.


SirAlan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks xchainlinkx for the post.... I hope more followers of GA will go to his site and learn what is coming.... again, thanks.

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