I couldn't find anything over on Variety that would give anyone the impression he was going to be fired. Obviously the opposite is what's really happening according to the link you provided.
I'm trying to figure out why they thought he was going to be fired. Was it poor reading comprehension? Are they just making stuff up to stir the pot? Is it a case of passing gossip they heard and didn't bother to see if it was true?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say they were passing on gossip without verifying. That type of thing happens way too often.
Why is why you get a 👍and a ⭐️ for checking to see if it was true.
I couldn't find anything over on Variety that would give anyone the impression he was going to be fired. Obviously the opposite is what's really happening according to the link you provided.
I'm trying to figure out why they thought he was going to be fired. Was it poor reading comprehension? Are they just making stuff up to stir the pot? Is it a case of passing gossip they heard and didn't bother to see if it was true?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say they were passing on gossip without verifying. That type of thing happens way too often.
Why is why you get a 👍and a ⭐️ for checking to see if it was true.