I have enough education to know that risks of emergent disease is real and there's always the threat something new can crop up. I spent enough time in Microbiology, Virology, and Public Health type courses to know about factors at play, how they interact, and how we go about combating or preventing such things. Science is real.
Fear porn is NOT science.
I will NOT be locked in my house by my government. I will not be forcibly quarantined. Quarantine is for the sick and those exposed to a pathogen who will become sick. It is not for the general population. The choice to quarantine on a public health scale is inherently personal. The government simply doesn't have the resources to compel it if the public chooses not to comply (as in, they panic and run).
No more mandates. No more lockdowns.
If the science is sound, we'll take care of our own affairs and act in our own self-interest, especially those of us who have the knowledge and background to read and follow the latest published research.
Bird flu is totally being blown out of proportion. Yes, it infects birds. Yes, it infects nearly every species of wild bird in N. America and has found its way into factory farm flocks. The cases of human cross-over are counted on your fingers. They've all been mild. There is a real risk it could be worse than that, but that risk has NOT appeared in real data.
UFOs. What we're watching is drones. Everyone knows they're drones. The video clearly shows drones. They've found downed drones on the ground. They're human made, not alien.
Maybe they're alien like the illegal aliens, ie, from a foreign country, but I doubt it. Why? Because we have a ruling regime that wants to set the world on fire looking for a war anywhere they could find one. If a foreign country were launching these drones, we'd be hearing about it 24/7 in the news with Neocons screaming in Congress for war.
Therefore, the drones are American. They're not being shot down by the military because the military knows what they are and who are operating them and has chosen not to shoot them down. The US government is operating these drones for some purpose.
They won't tell the public. Why? This one I'm having more difficult with. The sane part of me says they don't want to start a panic, but the realist knows that they've been trying to start a panic for years so they can use it to start wars or to increase their own power. Panic leads people to demand security and give up their freedoms to get it. People are speculating this has to do with some draconian FAA "security" bill. This may be accurate. It's a controlled panic to allow them to sneak this thing into the Omnibus (they just tried that, actually).
Frankly, I think the only reason we're not hearing more about it directly is that this would mean the Pentagon stepping in and pretending to be impotent. It would pretend it doesn't know what these are and can't combat that. Neither looks good when you're trying to bluff China out of taking Taiwan and bluff Russia out of walking over the rest of Ukraine. When weak, appear strong. I think this is the reason they're not pushing the panic button harder over this drone thing. Self-interest with these people, always.
I have enough education to know that risks of emergent disease is real and there's always the threat something new can crop up. I spent enough time in Microbiology, Virology, and Public Health type courses to know about factors at play, how they interact, and how we go about combating or preventing such things. Science is real.
Fear porn is NOT science.
I will NOT be locked in my house by my government. I will not be forcibly quarantined. Quarantine is for the sick and those exposed to a pathogen who will become sick. It is not for the general population. The choice to quarantine on a public health scale is inherently personal. The government simply doesn't have the resources to compel it if the public chooses not to comply (as in, they panic and run).
No more mandates. No more lockdowns.
If the science is sound, we'll take care of our own affairs and act in our own self-interest, especially those of us who have the knowledge and background to read and follow the latest published research.
Bird flu is totally being blown out of proportion. Yes, it infects birds. Yes, it infects nearly every species of wild bird in N. America and has found its way into factory farm flocks. The cases of human cross-over are counted on your fingers. They've all been mild. There is a real risk it could be worse than that, but that risk has NOT appeared in real data.
UFOs. What we're watching is drones. Everyone knows they're drones. The video clearly shows drones. They've found downed drones on the ground. They're human made, not alien.
Maybe they're alien like the illegal aliens, ie, from a foreign country, but I doubt it. Why? Because we have a ruling regime that wants to set the world on fire looking for a war anywhere they could find one. If a foreign country were launching these drones, we'd be hearing about it 24/7 in the news with Neocons screaming in Congress for war.
Therefore, the drones are American. They're not being shot down by the military because the military knows what they are and who are operating them and has chosen not to shoot them down. The US government is operating these drones for some purpose.
They won't tell the public. Why? This one I'm having more difficult with. The sane part of me says they don't want to start a panic, but the realist knows that they've been trying to start a panic for years so they can use it to start wars or to increase their own power. Panic leads people to demand security and give up their freedoms to get it. People are speculating this has to do with some draconian FAA "security" bill. This may be accurate. It's a controlled panic to allow them to sneak this thing into the Omnibus (they just tried that, actually).
Frankly, I think the only reason we're not hearing more about it directly is that this would mean the Pentagon stepping in and pretending to be impotent. It would pretend it doesn't know what these are and can't combat that. Neither looks good when you're trying to bluff China out of taking Taiwan and bluff Russia out of walking over the rest of Ukraine. When weak, appear strong. I think this is the reason they're not pushing the panic button harder over this drone thing. Self-interest with these people, always.
That was good!