Is Elon Musk hinting at a communication blackout in the near future? Certainly seems to be that way! Be prepared Anons! The Mod Team will be putting together a post in the coming days with helpful tips on how to stay online during the possible comm blackout. Stay tuned!

Got me a little electric guitar called the DIGI-ZO ULTIMA. Its got a built in amp, speaker, effects, drums, you name it. Runs on a 9v battery. Get about a month out of a charge playing daily.
Here it is in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WsZ9keR9I8
Made in Japan and are a quality item. Collectable :)
Ooh nice! You have the most desirable model.
I would like to have one of the older Casio Digitars. Intl shipping would sting for a bit. Not many come up for sale in the West.