A spreadsheet would sure be easier to digest. I noticed USSF got more money than any other MIL budget if I read right. Money for #WNC. Money for and IG to monitors #WNC money. My head started hurting by page 60.
First informal act by DOGE - Got 1,500 page bill down to 116.
A spreadsheet would sure be easier to digest. I noticed USSF got more money than any other MIL budget if I read right. Money for #WNC. Money for and IG to monitors #WNC money. My head started hurting by page 60.
First informal act by DOGE - Got 1,500 page bill down to 116.
I merged it into Excel here ---> https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s7zhn3ljwlgjtwm3hlvm3/American-Relief-Act-2025.xlsx?rlkey=dh4suo4b2votsb2mx4j4ib7y8&st=dvxw3l5b&dl=0