Not suggesting people inject or ingest it…
You shouldn’t do that with many things that surround, are used by, or may even Protect us… but don’t you find it odd that the very people that work to keep us safe and healthy in the medical community wear a lead vest to PROTECT themselves from the adverse effects of Radiation, the whole while dangerous Radiation from technology increases ? 5G ??
Lead is very dangerous,it's very well documnted for a very long time.
Not suggesting people inject or ingest it… You shouldn’t do that with many things that surround, are used by, or may even Protect us… but don’t you find it odd that the very people that work to keep us safe and healthy in the medical community wear a lead vest to PROTECT themselves from the adverse effects of Radiation, the whole while dangerous Radiation from technology increases ? 5G ??
Talking all the housing off section 8,and turning city's into shitholes.