Not suggesting people inject or ingest it…
You shouldn’t do that with many things that surround, are used by, or may even Protect us… but don’t you find it odd that the very people that work to keep us safe and healthy in the medical community wear a lead vest to PROTECT themselves from the adverse effects of Radiation, the whole while dangerous Radiation from technology increases ? 5G ??
Especially when it's travelling as a hollow point at high velocity
Otherwise, there's plenty of lead pipes still in use. It's inert unless you do something dumb like melt gallons of it and stand over it wafting the fumes. Plenty if fishing tackle still made from...lead
Just like asbestos. There's nothing wrong with it unless you start cutting or wailing on it with something, creating fine dust that can get permanently stuck in your lungs. There's millions of houses that still have asbestos siding...
People act like these things are freakin anthrax and shit. It's ridiculous.
Old windows have the paint worn off creating lead dust, and children play on tthe floor and possibly put things in their mouth.... children do get lead poisoned from living in old crappy houses. Lead pipes are not a danger unless your water is so bad,it's eroding the pipes.....
You are right about asbestos, it not a hazard unless you fuk with it,and it's in a dust form. They nocked down an old refinery here years ago,and made a big deal out of removing the asbestos, then the local paper interviewed the old man who installed it 60+ years ago. Kek
When I was in the Navy as a brown shirt on carriers our dining hall was underneath the forward catapults. As the aircraft were launched using half a ton of superheated steam we had the steam tubes above our heads well lagged with asbestos.
The whole ship shuddered with each launch so minute flakes of asbestos drifted down into our food and drink, the dangers of asbestos were not known about in those days. We were more concerned about stopping the cockroaches swimming around in our coffee and corn flakes.
Your body treats lead as iron,and stores it in the bones,making them weaker and affects the brain development and such. It's a real hazard for children.
If you have lead pipes you can run the water for a minute in the morning or whenever water sits for a long time in the pipe. Siting for a long time can leach out some trace amounts out of the water if it's acidic.
Lead is very dangerous,it's very well documnted for a very long time.
Not suggesting people inject or ingest it… You shouldn’t do that with many things that surround, are used by, or may even Protect us… but don’t you find it odd that the very people that work to keep us safe and healthy in the medical community wear a lead vest to PROTECT themselves from the adverse effects of Radiation, the whole while dangerous Radiation from technology increases ? 5G ??
Talking all the housing off section 8,and turning city's into shitholes.
Uh yeah...
Especially when it's travelling as a hollow point at high velocity
Otherwise, there's plenty of lead pipes still in use. It's inert unless you do something dumb like melt gallons of it and stand over it wafting the fumes. Plenty if fishing tackle still made from...lead
Just like asbestos. There's nothing wrong with it unless you start cutting or wailing on it with something, creating fine dust that can get permanently stuck in your lungs. There's millions of houses that still have asbestos siding...
People act like these things are freakin anthrax and shit. It's ridiculous.
Old windows have the paint worn off creating lead dust, and children play on tthe floor and possibly put things in their mouth.... children do get lead poisoned from living in old crappy houses. Lead pipes are not a danger unless your water is so bad,it's eroding the pipes.....
You are right about asbestos, it not a hazard unless you fuk with it,and it's in a dust form. They nocked down an old refinery here years ago,and made a big deal out of removing the asbestos, then the local paper interviewed the old man who installed it 60+ years ago. Kek
When I was in the Navy as a brown shirt on carriers our dining hall was underneath the forward catapults. As the aircraft were launched using half a ton of superheated steam we had the steam tubes above our heads well lagged with asbestos.
The whole ship shuddered with each launch so minute flakes of asbestos drifted down into our food and drink, the dangers of asbestos were not known about in those days. We were more concerned about stopping the cockroaches swimming around in our coffee and corn flakes.
They say the taste of the paint is sweet,and kids like it.
Your body treats lead as iron,and stores it in the bones,making them weaker and affects the brain development and such. It's a real hazard for children.
The elites get regular lead injections to keep themselves safe from radiation. That's why Biden is so sharp and articulate at his age.
Kek. My username checks out.
They need a different type of lead injection..
Up until recently the MAJORITY of public drinking water pipes in the UK and Ireland were lead.
Now they are being replaced with plastic. I can’t recall anyone dying of lead poisoning from drinking water, it’s also laced with fluoride.
But yeah it is a pretty toxic metal, if ingested in concentration.
If you have lead pipes you can run the water for a minute in the morning or whenever water sits for a long time in the pipe. Siting for a long time can leach out some trace amounts out of the water if it's acidic.