The same media who promtes "stopping Trump by any means", calling us racist nazi's, among a cornacopeia of other similar items like death threats, scamdemic, lockdowns, climate change, illegal invaders, mass surveillance, vaccinations, ww3, false flags, using pedowood to promote an agenda, men in womans sports & bathrooms....this same media is now upset over Elon calling them out on tons of wasted money in the new bill???!!!!
The same media who promtes "stopping Trump by any means", calling us racist nazi's, among a cornacopeia of other similar items like death threats, scamdemic, lockdowns, climate change, illegal invaders, mass surveillance, vaccinations, ww3, false flags, using pedowood to promote an agenda, men in womans sports & bathrooms....this same media is now upset over Elon calling them out on tons of wasted money in the new bill???!!!!