I have kept this Quiet for years, I think it's time you know. It was Lincoln. When the overseas military ballots came back as fake (like 16) the first thing he did was create a special millitary unit. It's job was to spy on evertything specificly congress. He took the best of the best from the military and put them under the Department of Agriculture so only the president was in oversite not congress. This was the start of what is now a global system used for emergency comunications. Think fire. Well this system is active today as repeater systems working globaly. All electronic and electromagnetic comunications are captured and repeated. They are alsos collected in bulk form. All electromagnetic forms of comunication on Earth are collected by this system. We have ALL the DATA. Not here, not there, but globaly. A fire sale.
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If true, and it's a big "IF", then this would be most likely the biggest shock to the nation and the world ever. To suddenly discover that everyone's most intimate and "secret" communications is stored somewhere by a single agency. Knowledge of this could topple governments and individual lives around the world.
Drop 142- The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Heh... or jail.