Sorry it is not just Hawaii, the evil is everywhere. Hawaii is just where she experienced it. I live in the South and I20 is a known corridor for trafficking between NO and Houston. I would bet there is a Weigh Station so to speak around I40 & I-35 the crossroads of America. There always has been for the drug trade so why not this.
Sorry it is not just Hawaii, the evil is everywhere. Hawaii is just where she experienced it. I live in the South and I20 is a known corridor for trafficking between NO and Houston. I would bet there is a Weigh Station so to speak around I40 & I-35 the crossroads of America. There always has been for the drug trade so why not this.
They use rest stops too..and dollar general stores
Is that why dollar general shit usually in carts and not on shelf's lol. Too busy smuggling kids.
Yea they hire a ton of old women too, they are along major routes on the east coast and usually one every 5 miles or so.