Skunks in Washington State Dem Party
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One issue is transparency… why are they holding a Dem only meeting. Committees would include Reps also where were they? Two these Dems are too stupid to be in the Wa Legislature. Obviously a classified Dem Eyes Only doc.
Three, there responsibility to represent their constituents is not being fulfilled with these back room deals Fourth another attempt at an Unrealized Capital Gains Tax hidden as a property tax since WA’s constitution prevents a State Income tax. Money grabbing scumbags in WA. Full Disclosure: I live in the state and hate these bastards.
I suppose one could take cold comfort in the idea that, after all these decades, their DNA runs true.
"mistakenly." Seems there may be someone in the WA State Dem Party that doesn't like this proposal. I have a hard time believing anyone actually makes the mistake of clicking on "send to all." The Internet and email has been around for far too long for people to make that mistake honestly.