I am not sure how chickens are kept in the US. I just know in Europe there are basically two types of eggs; There's the "free range" ones and there is the "ground kept" (loosely translated). The first means the chickens live outside mostly and have a coop to sleep and lay their eggs. The second means the chickens are kept in very large halls at ground level. The first kind is only marginally more expensive; I pay about 3 dollars for 10 "ground level" eggs and about 4 dollars for 10 "free range" eggs. They both taste the same. I think the indoor chickens feel safer.
"Cage free" has been a thing for a few decades in Europe now and eggs do not seem to be more expensive here.
I am not sure how chickens are kept in the US. I just know in Europe there are basically two types of eggs; There's the "free range" ones and there is the "ground kept" (loosely translated). The first means the chickens live outside mostly and have a coop to sleep and lay their eggs. The second means the chickens are kept in very large halls at ground level. The first kind is only marginally more expensive; I pay about 3 dollars for 10 "ground level" eggs and about 4 dollars for 10 "free range" eggs. They both taste the same. I think the indoor chickens feel safer.
"Cage free" has been a thing for a few decades in Europe now and eggs do not seem to be more expensive here.