Curious what people think about entering the stock market during this time?
I know the economy is in shambles currently and that the stock market is bubbling. I have money in savings i’d like to start investing cause I’m optimist with Trump at the helm.
Should I wait until a “market crash” or at least until after he is confirmed to begin? What sorts of companies are worth looking into?
Lots of modern blue chip type of options like Google, Amazon, what have you May not be as safe cause of reckoning that the Trump admin could put on them for their crimes (tax evasion/election interference).
What would you recommend for someone like me? Any investors in here?
I'd wait until DJT is safely in office. The market has been hot because it's been propped up. They can crash it in a second and probably will to some extent to add another mess to DJT's to-do list. I'd do your research, figure out your risk-tolerance and how much you can afford to lose. If you're a novice, I'd look at a portfolio of diversified market ETFs or mutual fund.
If you're looking for a stock tip - I think $DJT is about to break out heading north and 35.00 isn't a bad price for what I think the stock will do long-term. Full disclosure - I own thousands of shares of $DJT. It is a high-risk stock, but I can afford a catastrophic loss for what I have in it as a percentage of my portfolio.
Lastly, I've been 80% cash since Biden took office. I was expecting a crash and left a lot of coin on the table. Now, I believe, the crash is coming. The powder is dry and think I'll be in buying season soon.
Good points!
I’ve been hearing about this crash for years as well so I pulled out a few years ago after they stole the election I didn’t trust them.
I put the $ in CDs @ 5%.