Curious what people think about entering the stock market during this time?
I know the economy is in shambles currently and that the stock market is bubbling. I have money in savings i’d like to start investing cause I’m optimist with Trump at the helm.
Should I wait until a “market crash” or at least until after he is confirmed to begin? What sorts of companies are worth looking into?
Lots of modern blue chip type of options like Google, Amazon, what have you May not be as safe cause of reckoning that the Trump admin could put on them for their crimes (tax evasion/election interference).
What would you recommend for someone like me? Any investors in here?
Once Trump takes office he will immediately turn things around. It’ll be like he did last time except but way better. Imagine the fed taxes going down or done. All that cash will be in pockets almost immediately. People will spend. He will also make us energy independent and protect us from Middle East oil control. I expect that our oil and natural gas will go bonkers.
He will also kick off a massive deportation exercise and that’s going to need jails (GEO).
Here are some that I think are really interesting to look at: TUSK PBR MMLP NINE NNBR ACDC OIS KLXE GIFI GEO
He also said he’d invest in flying cars and get us in competition with the rest of the world. So look for flying car technology companies. Trump said he would promote higher birth rates. He will give child credits so, I expect another baby boom to flood in. Companies for kid products will be good.
If you want risky but maybe not too risky. Short CNN, they seem to be collapsing. Kek.