Hear me out.
If we left the death row guys in prison, they are wasting a bunch of resources in the system. And our death penalty takes too long to get to them.
Wouldn't it make sense to let them all out now and then deal with them lethally on the streets, either through the police or deportations?
Just a thought.
We need to massively speed up and increase the death penalty, tbh.
Put it this way - the US population is 334,900,000, and grows by 0.5% per year. That's 16,745,000 people per year or c.4588 people per day. That's obviously unusustainable, even with mass deportation. We could execute one criminal every minute- 1440 per day- and still have massive, intolerable growth.
Not that there's any shortage. Here's just a few of the crimes God says deserve the death penalty:
Not being Christian- Leviticus 20:1-5, Numbers 25:1-9, Deuteronomy 13:2-10, 17:2-7
Making predictions that do not come true- Deuteronomy 18:20-22
Working on Sunday- Numbers 15:32-36
Sex outside Christian marriage (Gay, Trans, Prostitutes, etc)- Deuteronomy 22:23-24
Disobedience to Parents (e.g. disagreeing with their political wishes)- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Disobedience to the Courts- Deuteronomy 17:8-13
Double Kek @ #2, date fagging.