posted ago by seagoatz ago by seagoatz +60 / -0

I went to the midnight service at my church tonight. Our priest talked about how the first people to hear the good news of the birth of Christ were the shepherds in the fields. The angels told the lowly shepherds about Jesus before they told any king. It reminded me how so many of us feel like we don't matter and don't play a big enough part in this movement and this "movie" to make a difference. But we can and we do, and that's how God sees us, too.

On the way home, listening to some classic Christmas songs as I drove, I saw a big golden meteor streak across the night sky. It felt like the Lord was confirming my feelings tonight and letting me know that He's always listening and that we are all important to Him.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite old Christmas songs with one of my favorite messages, simple and timeless. I am praying for peace across this world every day, and I pray the same for every single one of you tonight. Merry Christmas. ❤️🌎🌠

"Said the king to the people everywhere: 'Listen to what I say Pray for peace, people everywhere Listen to what I say The child, the child, sleeping in the night He will bring us goodness and light He will bring us goodness and light'"