So I started looking into the Thundercats today as I’m bored doing inventory at work. It was created by Tobin Wolf. Nothing nefarious found on him. Seemed like he lived a hard young life and made a life for himself. . All of his patents for the most part related to toys and games
The reason I started digging into it was I was reading up on the lore after watching that episode. Most of my information has been from Mumm-ra the main evil character was a mummy demon with knowledge of sorcery and black magic, who became younger and more powerful when spoke his spell “"Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form... to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!" . His logo was a two headed snake which I found interesting as its appearance does look similar to 8 chan /8 kun.
His main goal was to get the Thundercat Eye of Thundra to rule the world. Interestingly enough, one of the powers of the Eye of Thundra was “Sight Beyond Sight. The eye has the powers to show things which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It can show events occurring at far away places as well as events from the past. The eye can also show through a person's deception or disguise”. It also had the ability to regenerate and heal. I immediately think of Project looking glass and what we also know about adrenochrome and the Third Eye pituitary gland. The eye growls like a Lion when it is awake and is held by Lion-o (Trump is known as a Lion).
Some of Mumm-Ras weapons:
“The Babylonian Barbarian Boiler is a weapon that was invented by the ancient ancestors of Mumm-Ra. The device is capable of firing an intense beam which melts anything in its path. The ancients used it to liquify their enemies. It is fueled by the magical waters of Mumm-Ra's Cauldron.” (sounds familiar? DEW?)
“The Cloning Machine is a giant device that belonged to Mumm-Ra. The machine was able to create a clear of mold of any subject inserted into it and then fill that mold to form an identical clone of the being.” (WTF? Where have we heard this?)
The Thundercats universe has a Keystone. “The Keystone is an ancient powerful crystal. This emerald colored crystal has ancient writings and symbols carved onto it. The Keystone is a source of pure and unlimited energy. Such is its power that it is able to revitalize not only living beings, but also mechanical objects like engines. However, it is also incredibly addictive and anyone one who uses it becomes a slave to it, eventually being destroyed by the Keystone”
That’s all the time I have to dig into this today, but I find it interesting. The many similarities are probably just coincidence. I’m going to dig more into the lore and more into Leonard Starr, who was created with the character development and storyline. Coincedentey, Starr : "Starr was a written agreement between Ashkenazi Jews, with the term particularly relevant in pre-expulsion England where such documents were required to be deposited in a designated location for legal validity." Star 1 and 3 which I don't know the meaning of that.,occasionally%20as%20a%20personal%20name .
Some other points from the show that kinda touch on other conspiracy theory stuff.
3rd earth where the show takes place. It has a history of ancient civilizations with advanced tech.
The Ancient Spirits of Evil, who Mumm-Ra serves, can be seen as a fictional secret societies or ancient orders conspiracy theories about groups like the Illuminati or Freemasons controlling world events from behind the scenes.
Mumm-Ra's ability to change forms and manipulate reality with magic ... shapeshifters, lizard people.
The Lunatacs could be seen a representing fallen angles in a way as they were imprisoned in Molten Lava, but they were put there my evil Mumm-Ra and not by God. Just a similar imprisonment.
Sky Tomb - UFOs... Sky Event.
Lunatak's crescent moon on their foreheads. I feel like I'm missing something here.
3rd Earth has a place called "Darkside". Dark to light?
Mumm-Ra has a dog that can display images "Ma-Mutt has the ability to fly as well as grow in size to gigantic proportions. Mumm-Ra also uses his pet as a way to project his holographic image anywhere that he desires. This enables Mumm-Ra to communicate and instruct his cronies such as the Mutants , the Berserkers and the Lunataks." Project Blue Beam?
"The Ancient Spirits of Evil are four demonic phantoms who are not only Mumm-Ra's masters, but the real source of all his powers. They inhabit four giant stone statues that are arranged around a magical cauldron deep inside the Black Pyramid. "
Lion-O = Trump. Thrust into leadership at a young age, much like Trump's entry into politics was seen by some as a sudden shift from his previous public persona, he was thrust into politics. They both have the shadows of their fathers hovering over them. Trump is often seen by detractors as only being where he is due to his father's money. From with fandom "Apart from his physical attributes, Lion-O is also very brave and virtuous. He is ready to face any danger when defending his friends and allies.
Lion-O is also quite intelligent, often using his wits to trick his enemies into submission and stopping their evil schemes. He often prefers to avoid violence when trying to solve any problems or diffuse any threats." Sounds kinda like Trump.
"Weakness- Lion-O can be impetuous at times and often acts in haste and anger without properly thinking about the consequences." Something that Trump has been accused of by his detractors.
Lion-O want to lead the Thundercats to a new home, to return them to a once thriving past. Make America Great Again.
"Also Mumm-Ra's immortality means that he can never be truly killed. Many times when he was thought to be dead, he was revived by the Ancient Spirits of Evil. Whenever weakened or defeated, he returns to his sarcophagus to replenish his energy." Delaware anyone?
Loved the show. Now in my 50s I am seeing it in a whole different light. Damn all my conspiracy theory stuff! It makes me see Q things almost everywhere.
This was my favorite cartoon as a kid. I own the entire disk collection.
Watching an episode of Thundercats, I was reminded u/#q2977 and a post I did a while back but never really dug into . “X' also grew up watching 'Thundercats' so….” A post from 2019, which referenced this twitter post . After Musk purchased twitter it made be think that “X” could be Elon.
So I started looking into the Thundercats today as I’m bored doing inventory at work. It was created by Tobin Wolf. Nothing nefarious found on him. Seemed like he lived a hard young life and made a life for himself. . All of his patents for the most part related to toys and games
The reason I started digging into it was I was reading up on the lore after watching that episode. Most of my information has been from Mumm-ra the main evil character was a mummy demon with knowledge of sorcery and black magic, who became younger and more powerful when spoke his spell “"Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form... to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!" . His logo was a two headed snake which I found interesting as its appearance does look similar to 8 chan /8 kun.
His main goal was to get the Thundercat Eye of Thundra to rule the world. Interestingly enough, one of the powers of the Eye of Thundra was “Sight Beyond Sight. The eye has the powers to show things which cannot be seen with the naked eye. It can show events occurring at far away places as well as events from the past. The eye can also show through a person's deception or disguise”. It also had the ability to regenerate and heal. I immediately think of Project looking glass and what we also know about adrenochrome and the Third Eye pituitary gland. The eye growls like a Lion when it is awake and is held by Lion-o (Trump is known as a Lion).
Some of Mumm-Ras weapons: “The Babylonian Barbarian Boiler is a weapon that was invented by the ancient ancestors of Mumm-Ra. The device is capable of firing an intense beam which melts anything in its path. The ancients used it to liquify their enemies. It is fueled by the magical waters of Mumm-Ra's Cauldron.” (sounds familiar? DEW?) “The Cloning Machine is a giant device that belonged to Mumm-Ra. The machine was able to create a clear of mold of any subject inserted into it and then fill that mold to form an identical clone of the being.” (WTF? Where have we heard this?)
The Thundercats universe has a Keystone. “The Keystone is an ancient powerful crystal. This emerald colored crystal has ancient writings and symbols carved onto it. The Keystone is a source of pure and unlimited energy. Such is its power that it is able to revitalize not only living beings, but also mechanical objects like engines. However, it is also incredibly addictive and anyone one who uses it becomes a slave to it, eventually being destroyed by the Keystone”
That’s all the time I have to dig into this today, but I find it interesting. The many similarities are probably just coincidence. I’m going to dig more into the lore and more into Leonard Starr, who was created with the character development and storyline. Coincedentey, Starr : "Starr was a written agreement between Ashkenazi Jews, with the term particularly relevant in pre-expulsion England where such documents were required to be deposited in a designated location for legal validity." Star 1 and 3 which I don't know the meaning of that.,occasionally%20as%20a%20personal%20name .
Some other points from the show that kinda touch on other conspiracy theory stuff.
3rd earth where the show takes place. It has a history of ancient civilizations with advanced tech.
The Ancient Spirits of Evil, who Mumm-Ra serves, can be seen as a fictional secret societies or ancient orders conspiracy theories about groups like the Illuminati or Freemasons controlling world events from behind the scenes.
Mumm-Ra's ability to change forms and manipulate reality with magic ... shapeshifters, lizard people.
The Lunatacs could be seen a representing fallen angles in a way as they were imprisoned in Molten Lava, but they were put there my evil Mumm-Ra and not by God. Just a similar imprisonment.
Sky Tomb - UFOs... Sky Event.
Lunatak's crescent moon on their foreheads. I feel like I'm missing something here.
3rd Earth has a place called "Darkside". Dark to light?
Mumm-Ra has a dog that can display images "Ma-Mutt has the ability to fly as well as grow in size to gigantic proportions. Mumm-Ra also uses his pet as a way to project his holographic image anywhere that he desires. This enables Mumm-Ra to communicate and instruct his cronies such as the Mutants , the Berserkers and the Lunataks." Project Blue Beam?
"The Ancient Spirits of Evil are four demonic phantoms who are not only Mumm-Ra's masters, but the real source of all his powers. They inhabit four giant stone statues that are arranged around a magical cauldron deep inside the Black Pyramid. "
Lion-O = Trump. Thrust into leadership at a young age, much like Trump's entry into politics was seen by some as a sudden shift from his previous public persona, he was thrust into politics. They both have the shadows of their fathers hovering over them. Trump is often seen by detractors as only being where he is due to his father's money. From with fandom "Apart from his physical attributes, Lion-O is also very brave and virtuous. He is ready to face any danger when defending his friends and allies.
Lion-O is also quite intelligent, often using his wits to trick his enemies into submission and stopping their evil schemes. He often prefers to avoid violence when trying to solve any problems or diffuse any threats." Sounds kinda like Trump.
"Weakness- Lion-O can be impetuous at times and often acts in haste and anger without properly thinking about the consequences." Something that Trump has been accused of by his detractors.
Lion-O want to lead the Thundercats to a new home, to return them to a once thriving past. Make America Great Again.
Mumm-Ra = Biden. They both are walking dead...
"Also Mumm-Ra's immortality means that he can never be truly killed. Many times when he was thought to be dead, he was revived by the Ancient Spirits of Evil. Whenever weakened or defeated, he returns to his sarcophagus to replenish his energy." Delaware anyone?
Dark Brandon is Mumm-Ra transforming.
Loved the show. Now in my 50s I am seeing it in a whole different light. Damn all my conspiracy theory stuff! It makes me see Q things almost everywhere.
I am in my mid 40s. That show was fantastic!