Moronic comment. The satanists subverted our education system in the 1950s and turned it into a garbage truck. Our kids are the garbage. The spend 12 years indoctrinating kids into the idea that they are too stupid to learn anything and can't understand math, can't understand english, can't understand science. Their goal is ann idiocracy where people are EASY to control because they are so stooopid they can't see, can't communicate, can't think. All they can do is put on perfume, listen to rap, drink and do drugs and hook up... and pursue other mindless artificial addictions like fashion, sports, social media, TV... The end result is no engineers. That's not an overnight fix. People need to be healed from school stultification. And fuck every teacher who contributed to that — you guys owe the world a BIG apology.
Moronic comment. The satanists subverted our education system in the 1950s and turned it into a garbage truck. Our kids are the garbage. The spend 12 years indoctrinating kids into the idea that they are too stupid to learn anything and can't understand math, can't understand english, can't understand science. Their goal is ann idiocracy where people are EASY to control because they are so stooopid they can't see, can't communicate, can't think. All they can do is put on perfume, listen to rap, drink and do drugs and hook up... and pursue other mindless artificial addictions like fashion, sports, social media, TV... The end result is no engineers. That's not an overnight fix. People need to be healed from school stultification. And fuck every teacher who contributed to that — you guys owe the world a BIG apology.