When I think about all the seriously injured veterans and what it could do for them, I am onboard. I am not onboard with any implants that is for ID or buying/selling.
It does sound nice in theory for injury's sake, but it sounds like Elon is also interested in making them for recreational purposes, which I disagree with. In a way, you could say by nature of having one they'll probably have a digital ID, and if you can access your phone on it, then you can buy and sell things.
When I think about all the seriously injured veterans and what it could do for them, I am onboard. I am not onboard with any implants that is for ID or buying/selling.
It does sound nice in theory for injury's sake, but it sounds like Elon is also interested in making them for recreational purposes, which I disagree with. In a way, you could say by nature of having one they'll probably have a digital ID, and if you can access your phone on it, then you can buy and sell things.