Why has no one been to the moon in such a long time
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I worked in defense and aerospace, even on the shuttle, and Once I woke up I KNEW it was fake. Can't get my "educated" siblings to even ponder the possibility!
I have to give credit to Conspiracy Music Guru for starting that journey.
It does seem like the supposedly educated , whether they be doctors, professors or the like are the ones who are LEAST interested in considering alternative views.
They have been brainwashed by the dogma that has been ingrained into them and as we have seen live and in action over the last several years will defend that Dogma to the death.
Trust the science right? They are Experts right?
Yup. It's because they've invested their entire life in believing what they were trained to believe. They can't deviate from that belief, no matter what the evidence, because it would CRASH their world view. Got one sister "trained" by the medical experts (Rockefeller), another was a teacher "trained" by the Dept. of Education, and a brother "trained" by the BAR.