The entire strength of America is that we intelligently steal the cream of the crop from the entire world. All the smartest most skilled people from the planet.
We want those. I have a friend whose ticket into the country was being a master machinist of fine engine components.
The abuse bit, and the part we need to STOP, is people coming in and saying "oh yeah I'm a doctor in my country oh yeah I'm an engineer of advanced robotics" but when they come in that's not fucking true at all and the employer fucking lied to get a basic fucking nurse into the country, and the 'advanced robotics' guy doesn't know shit either and they call him advanced robotics in all his paperwork when in reality it's a complete moron who they moved into IT because after getting stateside it became extremely apparent they're not capable of the shit put on the application.
H1B abuse affects me personally. But getting rid of H1B is not the answer; the answer is to start cracking down hard as SHIT on H1B abuse, I'm thinking charges of treason.
You dont get it. People have been wanting this country to completely fall so they can live out a swiss family robinson fantasy without feeling like they are missing out on a future others have access to. Sometimes they are called accelerationists. Many many posts celebrating some kind of civil war etc.
Import the third world, become the third world. I don't care how high the DOW or the GDP gets if the people who built this country end up as second class citizens in our own homeland. If the H1B lotto winners are so special, then they can fix their own countries while we fix ours.
Sure, if the visa program worked the way it was advertized, it'd be great, but so would communism. It is currently working exactly as it was intended to work and it seems to be doing more harm than good.
Your terms are acceptable.
You don't fucking get it.
The entire strength of America is that we intelligently steal the cream of the crop from the entire world. All the smartest most skilled people from the planet.
We want those. I have a friend whose ticket into the country was being a master machinist of fine engine components.
The abuse bit, and the part we need to STOP, is people coming in and saying "oh yeah I'm a doctor in my country oh yeah I'm an engineer of advanced robotics" but when they come in that's not fucking true at all and the employer fucking lied to get a basic fucking nurse into the country, and the 'advanced robotics' guy doesn't know shit either and they call him advanced robotics in all his paperwork when in reality it's a complete moron who they moved into IT because after getting stateside it became extremely apparent they're not capable of the shit put on the application.
H1B abuse affects me personally. But getting rid of H1B is not the answer; the answer is to start cracking down hard as SHIT on H1B abuse, I'm thinking charges of treason.
You dont get it. People have been wanting this country to completely fall so they can live out a swiss family robinson fantasy without feeling like they are missing out on a future others have access to. Sometimes they are called accelerationists. Many many posts celebrating some kind of civil war etc.
We did that after the fall of NAZI Germany and they infiltrated all government agencies and systems of higher learning
Project Paperclip cannot be likened to H1B but nice try
I get it, I just disagree.
Import the third world, become the third world. I don't care how high the DOW or the GDP gets if the people who built this country end up as second class citizens in our own homeland. If the H1B lotto winners are so special, then they can fix their own countries while we fix ours.
Sure, if the visa program worked the way it was advertized, it'd be great, but so would communism. It is currently working exactly as it was intended to work and it seems to be doing more harm than good.
You're an idiot
We'll see.