And the level of engagement on a post generates revenue thats why alot of accounts Elon purged was blocking monetization instead of outright banning them off the platform.
You saying elon didnt post that? Why do some of you accept h1b now? Because trump said so ? Are you the same that took vaxxes and complained about trump after. H1B is atrocious if you don't know that then you speak about stuff u are clueless about. So, why is it being brought up? Exposure, changing it will probably happen. Why, because the leftist dolts ALWAYS do the opposite of trump. I don't think these guys intend to keep it based on what we've know. Sorry for those affected by it in the past. To those beating up on them shame on you. If you think you see what's up then just chill amd watch. H1b hurt a lot of good Americans. I believe this is part of the OP but I don't blame people one bit for being upset.
But the timing is terrible for us to be infighting. Save it for after the inauguration and appointments are completed. We are weakening ourselves at a crucial time and our enemies love it.
And the level of engagement on a post generates revenue thats why alot of accounts Elon purged was blocking monetization instead of outright banning them off the platform.
You saying elon didnt post that? Why do some of you accept h1b now? Because trump said so ? Are you the same that took vaxxes and complained about trump after. H1B is atrocious if you don't know that then you speak about stuff u are clueless about. So, why is it being brought up? Exposure, changing it will probably happen. Why, because the leftist dolts ALWAYS do the opposite of trump. I don't think these guys intend to keep it based on what we've know. Sorry for those affected by it in the past. To those beating up on them shame on you. If you think you see what's up then just chill amd watch. H1b hurt a lot of good Americans. I believe this is part of the OP but I don't blame people one bit for being upset.
But the timing is terrible for us to be infighting. Save it for after the inauguration and appointments are completed. We are weakening ourselves at a crucial time and our enemies love it.
Not sure if post was directed at me but Im only noticing the actions not picking sides. Enjoy the show. 🍿