In the past 50 years we were not united and we died. Have you no clue as to what this country is being saved from? The question is does this issue affect our freedom and our goal of America being great? Of course it does, elons position whether genuine or to get discussion is apparently good to elon while we say its apparently bad. In fact we see it as an affront to MAGA. there is actual proof that it is. If Elon is serious then it's his company and goals he seeks, not American greatness. He can ho to india and do all of this if all he wants is the Indian brain trust. He doesn't have to do it here. So what's really happening? That's what I'm looking for.
In the past 50 years we were not united and we died. Have you no clue as to what this country is being saved from? The question is does this issue affect our freedom and our goal of America being great? Of course it does, elons position whether genuine or to get discussion is apparently good to elon while we say its apparently bad. In fact we see it as an affront to MAGA. there is actual proof that it is. If Elon is serious then it's his company and goals he seeks, not American greatness. He can ho to india and do all of this if all he wants is the Indian brain trust. He doesn't have to do it here. So what's really happening? That's what I'm looking for.