The beautiful and brave woman did everything she could do to win fair and square...The cheating lib faggots need to just be force fed feces and then kicked out of the country. Pathetic cheaters each and every one of them! Regardless how much good Trump does in the next four years, it's going to be an utter shit show as its already turning out to be. The elephant in the room that NO one is talking about (because no one has an answer) HOW IN THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE TO SHARE THE PLOT OF GROUND BETWEEN THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC WITH THE LEFTIST PINKO COMMIE BASTARDS AND BITCHES!
The beautiful and brave woman did everything she could do to win fair and square...The cheating lib faggots need to just be force fed feces and then kicked out of the country. Pathetic cheaters each and every one of them! Regardless how much good Trump does in the next four years, it's going to be an utter shit show as its already turning out to be. The elephant in the room that NO one is talking about (because no one has an answer) HOW IN THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO CONTINUE TO SHARE THE PLOT OF GROUND BETWEEN THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC WITH THE LEFTIST PINKO COMMIE BASTARDS AND BITCHES!