Its becoming retarded lately. Yes, Im a retard and even I notice. Was there a massive shill sign up ? Multiple same topic posts. Seems to be a coordinated effort to divide.
Thats all. Thank you
Its becoming retarded lately. Yes, Im a retard and even I notice. Was there a massive shill sign up ? Multiple same topic posts. Seems to be a coordinated effort to divide.
Thats all. Thank you
I read on X where loomer got her blue checkmark taken away because she posted someone’s address on X. The account showed the post where loomer apologized for doxxing that person. I think maybe people didn’t know that, I didn’t, and thought Elon was being vengeful. It could still be that he was acting childish. I’m still wary of Elon, hell I’m still wary of Vivek as well. But I truly think this plan has been in the works and operational for a really long time, longer than 8 years. I do think we all need to point out when people in charge do stuff we don’t like, regardless of which team they play for, that’s how we got RINOs. I also think that there are people fanning the flames of discord because they hate us and don’t want to see us succeed. Anyways, I love this board and would not have kept my sanity the last few years without all of y’all. Thank God my family is awake!