Here are my thoughts based upon the statements made:
"We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."
[I'm getting that they are the fallen angels, cast out of heaven and down to earth due to betraying God's commands, or the offspring of Cain (Canaanites) who was sired unto Eve by Lucifer (the snake) and has a blood libel with the descendants of Adam. Cain was cast out of Eden/Heaven after killing Abel.]
"We shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself..."
[I'm assuming that they were cast down into the depths of Hell on Earth, but have gotten out somehow to do their evil deeds, and will be returned again when the population becomes aware and sends them to the dungeons/GITMO/death row.]
How did they fall from the "depths . The Judgement has already been released against these demons.
Here are my thoughts based upon the statements made:
"We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."
[I'm getting that they are the fallen angels, cast out of heaven and down to earth due to betraying God's commands, or the offspring of Cain (Canaanites) who was sired unto Eve by Lucifer (the snake) and has a blood libel with the descendants of Adam. Cain was cast out of Eden/Heaven after killing Abel.]
"We shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself..."
[I'm assuming that they were cast down into the depths of Hell on Earth, but have gotten out somehow to do their evil deeds, and will be returned again when the population becomes aware and sends them to the dungeons/GITMO/death row.]
Your presentation makes more sense.