51 A “PATENT” is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an “INVENTION” for a limited period of time.. THINK FOR YOURSELF WHILE IT IS STILL LEGAL!!! 🤔🤨 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 72 days ago by Oldpatriot 72 days ago by Oldpatriot +51 / -0 18 comments download share 18 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
anyone able to research these patent numbers, see if they are legit?
Well, yes, because I have a brain the size of a planet, an almost genius level IQ (and I'm modest, too).
Oh, and I can use a search engine. ;-)
brave search patent 5675977 did not come out the same as when I searched it before coming here. strange, right?
brave search patent 8835624
Justia link on the ebola patent
brave search CA2741523A1
brave search 0070031450A1
brave search ATTC VR-84
brave search 7897744
brave search 8506968
brave search 10130701
so in reading a few of the links in these searches, it seems that they are not patents for viruses but patents for detecting said viruses or treating illnesses with these viruses.
Good work! Ten years ago I’d post the meme “OP is a faggot” but I think he posted in good faith so I won’t.
kek. we are trying to not be bullshitted, are we not?