I won't even put the Christian fish on the back of my car so that when I inevitably catch a whiff of road rage and flip someone off, the whole of Christianity won't take a hypocrite hit.
Of course I'd have to flip them off with my left hand because that Christian fish is tattooed on my right wrist.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5,6
Amen, ironically I have Proverbs 3:5 on the back of my car
Romans 12:12 here
I won't even put the Christian fish on the back of my car so that when I inevitably catch a whiff of road rage and flip someone off, the whole of Christianity won't take a hypocrite hit.
Of course I'd have to flip them off with my left hand because that Christian fish is tattooed on my right wrist.
Now that's some fine tactical planning and execution right there.