That's just it. The H1B stuff had me on a downer, but enough noise was made about it, we know to keep an eye on it, and hold figureheads to task if they go against what the research has shown to be abusive practices. We're already moving past it, but we don't forget. It's a long game, and we've got to understand, sometimes, it's best to step back from the battlefield. To do things that are more enjoyable to 'R&R', as it were. The biggest casualty on a digital battle field is mental health. Everyone needs a break once in a while, and it becomes easier over time. Personal experience is underrated. At least those amongst us who has to learn the hard way.
Haha! Yep we're all tire!! Take a breath or a day off then wake up and keep going!
That's just it. The H1B stuff had me on a downer, but enough noise was made about it, we know to keep an eye on it, and hold figureheads to task if they go against what the research has shown to be abusive practices. We're already moving past it, but we don't forget. It's a long game, and we've got to understand, sometimes, it's best to step back from the battlefield. To do things that are more enjoyable to 'R&R', as it were. The biggest casualty on a digital battle field is mental health. Everyone needs a break once in a while, and it becomes easier over time. Personal experience is underrated. At least those amongst us who has to learn the hard way.