Hippie Boomers: “Hey old guys who worked for the man. We literally got handed the world on a silver platter and immediately fucked up everything and voted the people we blame for everything back into power because they pinky promised to not do it again. Can you help us start another Woodstock to convince the Youth to make all the same mistakes we did.”
We’ve been dealing with the after affects of the Hippie Boomers and Beatniks attempts at reengineering and replacing their parents culture for decades. And It hasn’t gone particularly great.
And just when we’re starting to readjust and get some solid if somewhat unstable cultural ground to stand on. The Hippie Boomers want to roll the dice again and trying cultural and social engineering again. Because things didn’t work out according to their pie in the sky fantasy. One last ‘Fuck you’ to the upcoming generations.
Better idea. The Hippie Boomers fuck off into retirement and join the last of the Beatniks in the Nursing Homes and retirement communities. While the Younger generations try to unfuck the mess they left for us to inherit.
And it’s absolutely adorable they think they’re responsible for ending Vietnam by protesting.
Hippie Boomers: “Hey old guys who worked for the man. We literally got handed the world on a silver platter and immediately fucked up everything and voted the people we blame for everything back into power because they pinky promised to not do it again. Can you help us start another Woodstock to convince the Youth to make all the same mistakes we did.”
We’ve been dealing with the after affects of the Hippie Boomers and Beatniks attempts at reengineering and replacing their parents culture for decades. And It hasn’t gone particularly great.
And just when we’re starting to readjust and get some solid if somewhat unstable cultural ground to stand on. The Hippie Boomers want to roll the dice again and trying cultural and social engineering again. Because things didn’t work out according to their pie in the sky fantasy. One last ‘Fuck you’ to the upcoming generations.
Better idea. The Hippie Boomers fuck off into retirement and join the last of the Beatniks in the Nursing Homes and retirement communities. While the Younger generations try to unfuck the mess they left for us to inherit.
And it’s absolutely adorable they think they’re responsible for ending Vietnam by protesting.
Not ALL of us hippie boomers are like that……
I was too young to be a hippie boomer and too old to be a gen Xer..