American citizens, in their own country, SHOULD NOT have to compete with the entire world for jobs in America... please DOWN VOTE if you disagree and then tell us why.
The Division Of Labor

The whole H1B thing frustrates the heck out of me. There are a lot of Americans who go to college to do tech, and are crowded out of the market by people from India who didn't have to go 150K in debt for a Computer Science degree of whom many have lied about their credentials and are naturally desperate and willing to work for pennies on the dollar. It creates a frustrating environment for those who chose the American four year degree route, especially for entry level jobs. This has created a market inefficiency as the wages drop to the point the entry level American cannot even pay their bills. Until the opportunity cost of employing the foreign unskilled worker is greater than the opportunity cost of the American worker to fill the role, companies will continue to hire the H1b applicants and pick the cheapest vendors to implement software products. This is basic economics. It's also akin to America committing suicide by following this path.