It seemed for a while that the Democrats—or should I say the Deep State—were going to let Trump coast to victory in November without much resistance. But anyone paying attention knows better than that, and this past week has made it crystal clear.
Here’s the thing, though: between the infighting over H1-B visas and the countless “individual” attacks on our country, I find myself flying above it all. So high, in fact, that I don’t even feel the need to dive into the granular details.
There’s been endless speculation about who carried out the attacks and whose agenda they were advancing. But honestly, am I the only one who hasn’t cared enough to expend energy digging into it? Even within this community, there’s been disagreement over these things.
For me, it’s simple: I’m fully trusting the plan and refusing to get caught up in the noise. It’s not that I don’t care—far from it. I just believe these distractions are designed to pull our focus away from the bigger picture. And I, for one, won’t take my eyes off the target.
Yes I read the email. I’m just wore out at this point fren. All of these years dedicated to seeking the truth and it’s culminated to the truth of Jesus Christ. I’m resting in that truth now and it’s a peace that I cannot attain on my own.