Summoned? Howls. Let's not summon him but just click on him. For example, this page here. When you click on it, you look to the left navigation bar. The number 5 place on the navigation bar after message is Grok. Of course, you have to create an account. It's free to use though.
I’m a novice with ai. Where and How do I summon grok? Thanks in advance.
Summoned? Howls. Let's not summon him but just click on him. For example, this page here. When you click on it, you look to the left navigation bar. The number 5 place on the navigation bar after message is Grok. Of course, you have to create an account. It's free to use though.
Thank you much 😃. Best wishes for a great new year!
Best new year to you and your family also.
Interesting. My account is suspended but I can access Grok.