...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Hebrews 11:8-19
Abraham and Sarah lived a comfortable life. So when they packed up their family and left on a journey without a known destination, some might have called them crazy! Why did they do it? Simply because God asked. Learn more about the obedience of Abraham and Sarah and other heroes of the faith as our study of Hebrews 11 continues.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
The Blessing Of Studying Together
If ever was a time when believers need to come together, it’s today. We need to be drawn together in love around the Person of Christ and exhorting one another and studying the Word of God together. Actually, God has something for a group that He’ll not give to anyone individually. The reason that I like to teach the Word of God is because God won’t let me grow in the knowledge of the Word unless I share it, you see. “Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together.” So, when they have Bible study down at your church, be sure and be there because there’s a blessing there for you you can’t get in studying the Bible by itself.
Daily Promises
Who shall also confirm you unto the end, [that ye may be] blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:8)
"How desirable is it to be confirmed and kept of Christ for such a purpose as this! How glorious are the hopes of such a privilege, whether for ourselves or others! To be kept by the power of Christ from the power of our own corruption and Satan's temptation, that we may appear without blame in the great day! O glorious expectation, especially when the faithfulness of God comes in to support our hopes!"
Clean out the garbage
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. — 2 Timothy 1:7
There is plenty of garbage in this life that attempts to influence us and distract us from our Christian walk. It’s time to clean out the garbage.
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.”
Sigmund Freud
Today's Wins
1 Most Important Inaugural Address: Forgotten Principles of Jefferson
2 Florida Bill Would Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender, End Taxes
3 Raw Milk Market Would be Expanded Under New Missouri Legislative Proposal
4 Defend the Guard Act: Oklahoma Legislation Filed to End Unconstitutional Deployments
5 Oklahoma Bill Would Expand Gold and Silver as Legal Tender
6 Firearm Purchaser’s Privacy Act Now in Effect in New Hampshire
7 Now in Effect: Nebraska Repeals State Capital Gains Taxes on the Sale of Gold and Silver
8 New Law in Effect: Alabama Repeals Capital Gains Taxes on Gold and Silver
9 Trump’s Arctic Policy Is No Folly
10 Karma comes back for a big bite of U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer
Look What The Dog Dragged In
11 Mark Taylor Dispatches: UNITED STATES OF CENSORSHIP: Big Tech & Corporate Media Complicity In Genocide PART I
12 Mark Taylor Dispatches—FROM HEALTH TO ENVIRONMENT TO FREEDOM: Banality Of Today’s Dark Corporate Evil Part II
13 Church and State collide: Pro-immigration cardinal to become DC archbishop
14 Republicans control 60% more of the state lawmaking bodies than Democrats
15 Biden destroyed the Democrat party
16 The Hidden Lies Behind America’s Destruction of Europe
Dog Woo
17 Dante Meets Satan in the Inferno: The Ninth Circle of Hell
18 Christians Should Not Be Getting Their Theology From Jordan Peterson
19 Benjamin Franklin’s Almanack Uncovered: Wisdom They Don’t Want You to Know
20 What Americans Don’t Know (But Need To Know) About China
21 Dwelling in the Doing: a new year’s resolve
22 Tuesday Poem...Alice Walker - Talking To My Grandmother Who Died Poor
23 Image courtesy of Alexei Talimonov.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
24 Biden Issues Imminent Terrorist Threat Warning Due To The 11 Terrorists He Just Released From Prison
25 Harmful Stereotype Stabs Ten
26 Overjoyed Trump Runs Out To Greet Prodigal Son Mark Zuckerberg
27 10 Totally Based Changes Mark Zuckerberg Is Bringing To Facebook
28 Guy Who Said Facebook Was Not Suppressing Free Speech Announces Facebook Will Stop Suppressing Free Speech
Not Quite brain_dead
FLASHBACK: Judicial Watch EXPOSES CIA at Capitol on January 6! What was CIA doing at the Capitol on Jan 6?
In the UK And The US, Racial Subgroups Refuse To Address The Criminals Among Them
New Orleans prosecutor Ian Kersting found dead inside his office at 34
Yesterday’s Biden medal recipients can expect to be criminally investigated. Lawyer up!
PowderRoomPolitics - Presents Animal Antics: Loving And Belonging
1 Elderly Cat Responds To Indoor Life - Heartwarming!
2 Adoption Is Awesome! (Whether Pets OR Babies!)
3 Stray Clowder Of Cats Gather For Feeding Time:
4 Giant Newfies Act Like Pups Around Grandma
5 Rescue Dog Becomes Ears For Adopted Deaf Cat
6 The Meanie Boys Clowder Cause Chaos, Find Friendship
7 Inventions And Treats For Pets
8 Overly Dramatic Kittens And Cats
9 Squirrels - Acrobats Of The Trees
10 Dogs From Another Planet? (watch for ashlanddog as newscaster @ 19 min)
11 Wholesome Life Of Cats
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 7th — Evening Reading
"My sister, my spouse." — Song of Songs 4:12
Observe the sweet titles with which the heavenly Solomon with intense affection addresses His bride the church. "My sister, one near to me by ties of nature, partaker of the same sympathies. My spouse, nearest and dearest, united to me by the tenderest bands of love; my sweet companion, part of my own self. My sister, by my Incarnation, which makes me bone of thy bone and flesh of thy flesh; my spouse, by heavenly betrothal, in which I have espoused thee unto myself in righteousness. My sister, whom I knew of old, and over whom I watched from her earliest infancy; my spouse, taken from among the daughters, embraced by arms of love, and affianced unto me for ever. See how true it is that our royal Kinsman is not ashamed of us, for He dwells with manifest delight upon this two-fold relationship. We have the word "my" twice in our version; as if Christ dwelt with rapture on His possession of His Church. "His delights were with the sons of men," because those sons of men were His own chosen ones. He, the Shepherd, sought the sheep, because they were His sheep; He has gone about "to seek and to save that which was lost," because that which was lost was His long before it was lost to itself or lost to Him. The church is the exclusive portion of her Lord; none else may claim a partnership, or pretend to share her love. Jesus, thy church delights to have it so! Let every believing soul drink solace out of these wells. Soul! Christ is near to thee in ties of relationship; Christ is dear to thee in bonds of marriage union, and thou art dear to Him; behold He grasps both of thy hands with both His own, saying, "My sister, my spouse." Mark the two sacred holdfasts by which thy Lord gets such a double hold of thee that He neither can nor will ever let thee go. Be not, O beloved, slow to return the hallowed flame of His love.