posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +34 / -0

The Book of Trump - Chapter 1 ; Kayfabe

Together with guest Absolute1776, Ghost of Based Patrick Henry (contributor at Badlands Media) takes the listener through a highly informative and illuminating discussion of the background, history and impact of 'kayfabe' by Donald Trump, starting from the 1980's up until the present day.

Psyops, Narratives and Kayfabe

For many frogs, Q was an introduction to the concept of psyops, aka psychological operations, as part of low-intensity conflict using 5G warfare. This involves coming to the awareness of how the Cabal (and Deep State) has been using pysops on the people of all nations, through a coordination of different sectors, including propaganda media (i.e. operation mockingbird), government and the entertainment industry (Hollywood, etc).

But while many of us are tuned in on specific elements of the information war, for example, the impact and use of symbology by the satanic Cabal, still many frogs seem to miss the significance of Donald Trump's history with Kayfabe.

Rooted in the world of 'professional wrestling', kayfabe is a pivotal concept that anyone serious about tracking the information war needs to be aware of and have at a minimum a rudimentary understanding, (especially in the dimensions of narrative influencing, public education and the facilitating of public awakening).

What is kayfabe

Kayfabe is 'kabuki theatre'.

Dictionary: kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/


(in professional wrestling) the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic. "a masterful job of blending kayfabe and reality"

Donald Trump has been heavily involved in Pro-Wrestling for decades. Did he learn to adopt certain techniques in order to execute his efforts to influence (inspire) the wider population?

One of the key concepts of kayfabe is the framework of Face vs Heel. The "face" is the good guy, the one everyone loves and cheers, and the "heel" is the bad guy, stomping on the 'face', the one everyone loves to boo, and hiss at.

Kayfabe, when applied to the narrative wars of the last 8 years, is an powerful concept for analyzing how powerful public narratives have been designed and shaped by the White Hats.


Why do some frogs hate certain people who were once applauded and held up as patriots with DJT during his first administration, accusing & abusing them, and so often pronouncing their 'guilt', while other frogs protest "no, that person is playing a role" for the benefit and advance of the White Hat plan?

The answer: Kayfabe. Face and heel.

For to MAGA, Donald Trump is the ultimate face, and others in the DJT sphere are 'heels' (usual suspects here). But its different for Leftist/Marxist/Woke/Democrat crowd. Trump is the heel, and anyone else are the face, to good guys.

Ghost of Based Patrick Henry ("ghost" for short) takes you through a powerful and insightful discussion of these concepts with his guest Paul (absolute1776, or "abs").

If you aren't aware of the significance and history of Kayfabe, its origins and impact, you need to listen to this podcast. If you are aware, on any level, you will still find it informative and useful, providing some great redpill content.

Whether you agree or not, you'll find this a mind-expanding experience.

In other words, a must-listen for any serious frog.

90 minutes. Listen in chunks if you need to. You won't regret it. And you might just find a bit more light on some of the confusion of the narrative wars which, if you aren't paying attention to, can easily shape your own thinking ala normyville.

Ultimately, to me, being awake doesn't simply mean recognizing symbology or realizing that there are good and bad actors. Rather, being awake means stepping outside the impact of the narrative war and psyops (by both the good guys and the bad guys), and separating the 'talk' from what's really going on by who behind the 'narrative'.
