No we didn’t. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed just like Tokyo was, but the big difference is those 2 cities were made almost entirely from wood. There were very few concrete/brick buildings in those cities. Remember they said those cities would be unlivable for hundreds of years and both are thriving cities today. Nukes are a lie perpetuated by the globohomo.
They send over little piddling balloons but we dropped the sun on them....twice. Ended that crap will quick.
No we didn’t. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed just like Tokyo was, but the big difference is those 2 cities were made almost entirely from wood. There were very few concrete/brick buildings in those cities. Remember they said those cities would be unlivable for hundreds of years and both are thriving cities today. Nukes are a lie perpetuated by the globohomo.