Ivermectin Source for Everyone Asking
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If they're in America you'll need a script. How much for 100 12mg ivermectin?
I do not work for them, but a quick search found what you are looking for:
Ivermectin 12mg 100 tablets $120.00
It's legal over the counter in some states.
Yes, but most pharmacies especially cvs and Walgreens even though they can sell it otc will not.
I use both
If OP tells everyone he has a source he should give the info. I buy mine from Allday Chemist and pay $100 for 100 12mg pills. There's also an excellent chance if it's actually an American company they'll require a script as they will have to follow the laws of the state you live in. The Chechynans at Allday Chemist DGAF and will ship anywhere.