"Come on, let us go down, and there confound their language, that everyone perceive not another’s speech." -- Genesis 11:7 -1599 Geneva
Don't be fooled by the creative use of language
"In the typical case that the Recipient does not actually prove the level of profits or losses but rather pays the agreed upon ‘buyout’ fee, the management fee is built in to the settlement amount."
cult/club. reminds me of an exclusive club where members get benefits and others are excluded and taken advantage of. some clubs are not to be envied as they are evil.
A club ,like Freemasons or Scientology, has different membership levels. For the lower levels they are as much the victims of the psychological operation as are the unaffiliated. But are brought in a little to provide useful idiot cover for the Main Characters. {cult: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion.}
Your mother needs to be one.
they say that, but in reality, even if your father is one, they will consider you in the club...
That is Cult not "club" .
The psyop is broadly used.
"Come on, let us go down, and there confound their language, that everyone perceive not another’s speech." -- Genesis 11:7 -1599 Geneva
Don't be fooled by the creative use of language
"In the typical case that the Recipient does not actually prove the level of profits or losses but rather pays the agreed upon ‘buyout’ fee, the management fee is built in to the settlement amount."
cult/club. reminds me of an exclusive club where members get benefits and others are excluded and taken advantage of. some clubs are not to be envied as they are evil.
A club ,like Freemasons or Scientology, has different membership levels. For the lower levels they are as much the victims of the psychological operation as are the unaffiliated. But are brought in a little to provide useful idiot cover for the Main Characters. {cult: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion.}
LOL, dang.