179 () 🐸 FUN WITH THE FROG 🐸 posted 74 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid 74 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid +179 / -0 28 comments share 28 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Tbh none of us really have a clue of what's going on. Obama might be the least dirty of the bunch and cut a deal with Trump. Imagine him coming out in support of Trump one day. That could help heal the division amongst our population. IDK man
obama started the 16 year plan to destroy America. No deals for Obama.
He stopped Hillary, McCain and Romney from being president. Can't be all bad.
Q literally brought up how Obama's codename was RENEGADE aka traitor.
And the posts about Obama shooting the red white and blue (most likely assassinating a US military guy.
And the posts about Obama being a CIA subud cult member with his dad being the head of Subud and looking just like him
Etc etc etc
Fuck Obama.