Dr. William Li is a cancer specialist that has written 2 best selling books. “Eat to beat Disease” and “Eat to beat your Diet”. He also has a YouTube channel with many videos and he explains in an easy to understand way how different foods work in our bodies. The other source that I have discovered is Bobby Parrish. He also has YouTube videos where he teaches how to shop and read labels. He has done reviews on all the major stores. HEB, Kroger, Walmart, Costco, etc. The best part is that he has a free ap that you can download that allows you to scan barcodes and it will tell you if it’s Bobby approved or not. If it’s not Bobby approved, you scroll down and it will tell you why. In addition, it list alternative products that can be purchased that are approved. Within minutes of downloading the ap, I was scanning everything in my house even my laundry detergent. I was shocked to discover how many products that I have been using that are not good for me. It’s a game changer and I will not buy another product ever again without using this handy scanning ap. To get the ap just go to your ap store and look for the ap called “Bobby approved”, and download it.
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👍 good post. Thanks.