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Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Hebrews 12:3-11
When you come to Jesus Christ in faith, it’s amazing. But as great as that day is, when you pick up your cross every day and follow Christ faithfully over a lifetime—right to the finish line—that is even more amazing. But it’s not easy. Join us in Hebrews chapter 12 for encouragement for the journey.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Walk By Faith
God wants us today, not only saved by faith, walk by faith. Christ died down here to save us. We look back in faith to Him. We walk today by faith. We look up to Him, the Living Christ today. That gets right down where the rubber meets the road, you see. That’s for right now. That’s for today. That’s for, well, are you going to go shopping? You going to go to work? You going to go to school? Going to some social engagement? Well, then, go by faith. Look to the Lord Jesus Christ. We walk by faith and not by sight. That’s the way God wants us to walk today.
Daily Promises
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore. (Psalm 16:11)
O Delight of delights! O great Bringer of Joy! Praise the Lord all the earth. For by His name is pleasure brought and in His presence is pleasure known! Apart from His life is heard no joyous strain nor delighted laugh. All happiness bought apart from the cross is a counterfeit. Take your heart and soul and meaning in the Lord and your joy will ever be complete!
All is well
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? -- Mark 8:36
If you examine your heart today, can you say that all is well?
"Man is condemned to be free"
Jean-Paul Sartre
Today's Wins
1 Government is Evil: Timeless Lessons from Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
2 Now in Effect: Nebraska Repeals State Capital Gains Taxes on the Sale of Gold and Silver
3 New Hampshire Action Alert: Defend the Guard Act Hearing
4 New York Bill Seeks to End Civil Asset Forfeiture and Limit Federal Equitable Sharing Participation
5 Defend the Guard Act: Kentucky Bill Would Block Unconstitutional Deployments
6 Alaska Bill Would Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender; End Sales Taxes on Both
7 Kentucky Bill Would Legalize Raw Milk Sales in the State
8 Maryland Bill Would Prohibit No-Knock Warrants
9 Wyoming Bill Would Require State to Hold Gold and Silver Reserves
10 Colorado Bill Would End Civil Asset Forfeiture and Restrict Federal Loophole
11 Raw Milk Market Would be Expanded Under New Missouri Legislative Proposal
12 Defend the Guard Act: Oklahoma Legislation Filed to End Unconstitutional Deployments
13 Missouri’s Attorney General Is Not Letting Pro-Life Protections Go Down Without A Fight
14 The Climate Hoax
15 Renaming the GOP, Too
Look What The Dog Dragged In
16 The Judeo-Christian Paradox, Part I...Unveiling the chasm between them...
17 The Judeo-Christian Paradox, Part II...Analyzing the claims upon which the Jewish religion is founded...
18 The chronicle of a fire foretold...The current fires in Los Angeles are reminders of the costs of forgetting
19 The Truth About the Fact-Checking Industry
20 Ron Paul asks: What Will Trump Do On Ukraine?
21 Accepting the Truth About Ukrainian Casualties is the Only Real Path to Peace Will the Truth About Ukraine's Staggering Death Toll Finally Bring an End to the War?
22 Caitlin Johnstone - It's Not The Responsibility Of The Global South To Bring Down The Empire. It's Ours.
23 The quiet before the storm...The DOJ does not need to be concerned about budget cuts as long as they have the exclusive possession of the Epstein, Wiener, and P. Diddy laptops and videos.
24 The Manufactured Outrage Over Pete Hegseth’s Nomination for Secretary of Defense
25 Bitter Kamala refuses to give J.D. Vance and his young family a tour of the vice presidential residence
26 ÜBERMENSCH ELON MUSK: Where Autonomous Super-intelligence Intersects Technological Singularity
Dog Woo
27 Caitlin Johnstone How To Be Happy In A Genocidal Dystopia On A Dying World
28 The difference between intelligence and wisdom
29 In These Deceptive Days, Even ‘Churches’ Are Not Always A Safe Place For Believers
30 Wildfires in the Autumn of the Educated Class
31 There Are No Pure Cultures
32 10th Amendment Explained: Tench Coxe on State vs Federal Power
33 Tuesday Poem...Maria Zoccola - helen of troy cleans up after the barbecue
34 Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at AfterMath
Worst Of Babylon Bee
35 Biden Says He’s Looking Forward To Retiring To That Nice Big Farm In The Country Where Jill Sent The Family Dog
36 Pete Hegseth Awarded Silver Star For Enduring Roomful Of Hysterical Women
37 To Avoid Prosecution In Britain, Neil Gaiman Joins Islamic Grooming Gang
38 As White House Gig Wraps Up, Karine Jean-Pierre Prepares To Head Back To Old Job At Men's Wearhouse
39 Last 100 Million Mexican Citizens Hurriedly Enter U.S. During Biden’s Final Week In Office
PowderRoomPolitics - Presents Animal Antics: Clowders and Packs, And Herds
1 Greyhound Grows Up With Maine Coons, Joins The Clowder
2 Kitten Loves Big Golden Retriever Brother
3 All In The Family: Cheering For Baby Goat Standing For The First Time
4 Dog Raises Foster Kittens As Her Own Babies
5 Pit Bull Raises Tiny Goat - Goat Acts Like Dog!
6 Bonded Pair - Dog And Cat Were Unwanted, Found Their Place
7 Cats Taking No Sass
8 Dad Has Rooster Newspaper Reading Buddy
9 Tiny Cat Once Feared Water, Now Loves It!
10 German Shepherd Helps With All The Farm Chores
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 The Los Angeles Wildfires: Reflections on Wealth Disparity and Oligarchic Privilege
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 14th — Evening Reading
"Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me." — Matthew 14:30
Sinking times are praying times with the Lord's servants. Peter negle cted prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In our hours of bodily pain and mental anguish, we find ourselves as naturally driven to prayer as the wreck is driven upon the shore by the waves. The fox hies to its hole for protection; the bird flies to the wood for shelter; and even so the tried believer hastens to the mercy seat for safety. Heaven's great harbour of refuge is All-prayer; thousands of weather-beaten vessels have found a haven there, and the moment a storm comes on, it is wise for us to make for it with all sail.
Short prayers are long enough. There were but three words in the petition which Peter gasped out, but they were sufficient for his purpose. Not length but strength is desirable. A sense of need is a mighty teacher of brevity. If our prayers had less of the tail feathers of pride and more wing they would be all the better. Verbiage is to devotion as chaff to the wheat. Precious things lie in small compass, and all that is real prayer in many a long address might have been uttered in a petition as short as that of Peter.
Our extremities are the Lord's opportunities. Immediately a keen sense of danger forces an anxious cry from us the ear of Jesus hears, and with Him ear and heart go together, and the hand does not long linger. At the last moment we appeal to our Master, but His swift hand makes up for our delays by instant and effectual action. Are we nearly engulfed by the boisterous waters of affliction? Let us then lift up our souls unto our Saviour, and we may rest assured that He will not suffer us to perish. When we can do nothing Jesus can do all things; let us enlist His powerful aid upon our side, and all will be well.