Smart Cities claim that the use of technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) are solutions to improve everything from critical infrastructure and public safety to efficiencies in city energy use. 21 Cities across the US have just signed on to be so-called Smart Cities. They include New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Austin, Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Dallas, Portland, Chicago, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Boulder, Denver and Columbus.
The chosen cities are being intentionally crashed so that certain mega-conglomerates like BlackRock can pick up the real estate for pennies on the dollar. People will demand a solution to crime and degradation, which will be technology, AI and automation. China is the model for a technocratic dictatorship. John Williams gives the timeline for implementation and says that in the next 24 to 36 months these cities will make huge changes.
The investment infomercial makes me sick. We’re losing our way of life and liberty and we should invest in the process of the digital concentration camp. Communal (communistic living) is the fate of the prisoner class.
What is a 15 minute city?
Study Ranks U.S. Cities by 15-Minute City Potential
That explains allowing public pooping in San Francisco:
out of chaos people will beg for government control and those that dont will be handled. This for some reason brings to mind the movie Left Behind-when the antichrist takes control the godly people go into hiding & the code word they used to tell what side your on is ‘Life’. Do we need a code word?
Hopefully, we don't get to that point. But it's looking pretty grim.
I remember seeing the movie Soylent Green a few years back, long after the film was made in 1973. I was amazed when Charlton Heston was calling in, and they wanted to know his password. Because by that time I had pages of passwords to do my job at work.
Flashback - Ronald Reagan talking about Project Blue Beam?
During a speech before the United Nations in 1987, President Ronald Reagan spoke longingly for the world unity that would happen if aliens invaded Earth.
“Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
Ronald Reagan, “The Great Communicator” was Guilty of Treason, War Crimes, Satanism & Pedophilia. He was an actor. An actor who delivered good speeches written by others. MSM fed us his speeches for 40 years. Now why would MSM do that?