Hi, all,
I've never put up a prayer request before, but I feel like this situation needs all of you prayer warriors. I have to keep this short because I'm at work. This is a young woman who works in the same building I manage. She and I actually work together quite a lot because I do some bookkeeping work for her boss. Her name is Nenaa.
She is 24 years old and has a daughter who is about 6 months old. This girl has spent her adult life clawing her way out of a very difficult family situation. I won't go into the details except to say that she lost the brother she was closest to back in the early Fall when he committed suicide. She works part time at her job here, so that she can go home at 2:30 to be a mom so her boyfriend can go to his job. They purposely have their schedules set so that they can take care of their little girl themselves. She has good reasons not to trust even her family to help take care of the baby.
She was at work on Tuesday but looked pale. Yesterday we got word that she had gone to the hospital, but no details. Then today we've gotten word that she is in the ICU with sepsis. Very scary stuff, sepsis.
This girl has been working hard to do everything right despite a childhood situation that was so bad that she's lost multiple of her 8 brothers and sisters, the most recent one--the one she was closest to--lost to suicide. She works hard, takes care of her baby, pays her bills, and is studying for law school.
If you feel moved to pray for her, please pray for Nenaa in northern Illinois.
Thank you all for being the prayer warriors I have watched you all be. I've learned a lot about prayer on this forum. Thank you for that as well.
Prayers sent.