WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's getting slaughtered in the comments. People ARE waking up.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't trust this early voting thing. If I were in a big city, then maybe I would go that route in anticipation of bad things blocking my ability to vote ON election day. But I live in a rural area. As long as the election is happening, I should be able to vote. And if I had to walk the three miles to get to my polling station, I would happily do so. Voting in person with my ID as is rightly required.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

WTAF?! Who are these sick f*ckers?! Apparently there are not enough millstones in the world to meet the need.

People make the argument that these AI images at least aren't real children and so the people asking for them are somehow better than those who are seeking CP from sources that target real children.

Here's my thought: a rabid dog doesn't have to bite anybody for it to be a menace to society. AI generated or real-child pornography is not the issue. The issue is somebody seeking either is a f*cking rabid dog. I can pity the dog that likely didn't seek to end up rabid. That doesn't mean he can be left in society. He still needs an a bullet courtesy of an Atticus Finch to put him down. Or a millstone. But that brings me back to my initial point: looks like there won't be enough millstones. We'll have to resort to bullets.

WTFChuck 7 points ago +7 / -0

Interesting to see the Bundy Ranch come into this. The Bundy Ranch stuff ties to Hillary and Obama and Uranium One.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Funny that you said I can write. I was an English major with a minor in Latin. Started my post-apocalyptic novel in 1984 (I know, right?!) after a composition class where the prof was trying to convince us that Marilyn Robinson's Housekeeping was the female version of Huckleberry Finn. I was 18 walking my 2 mile trek back home through Dinkytown, thinking, "No, THAT's not the female version of Huckleberry Finn. I could write the female version of Huckleberry Finn." The arrogance of youth! But that's what I did. Took me 24 years between having babies and running businesses, etc. Finished it in 2007. Funnily enough, the shit hits the fan in my novel after a virus from China starts a chain of events that culminates in a neutron bomb dropped on Chicago and a couple other places. All sorts of dejavu happening for me these days. Makes me wonder if I wasn't tapping in to the great river of potentialities when I pulled those 800 pages into my brain and pushed them out through my fingers.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about losing the teenage/20s friends. My best friend since i was 15 could not abide me voting for President Trump. Same with the women in my writing group who are 20 years older than me and we had been meeting once a month for 20 years. The two kids I birthed--same thing. It's been pretty brutal, but I'm not going to be bullied by anybody--especially people who purport to love me. Screw that. I have met great people in this great awakening. I have a good friend who lives in Houston whose family lives in the Twin Cities who I met on Reddit back before the CalmBeforeTheStorm subreddit got nuked. He and I were both following MegaAnon pretty closely back then. He's a younger kid (anybody under 40 is a kid to me now, lol), who just got married--texted me pics last week. I met another friend in a line up in northern Wisconsin at a Trump rally before the 2020 election. She and I text regularly too. She and I were both in DC on January 6th though we never did find each other there. There's been pain in this process for sure, but a lot of joy too. And I'll take painful truth over pleasant lies any day of the week. I consider myself very blessed. I'll send you a DM with a link to the podcast my daughter started to do of my novel before she decided she hates me.

I am serious about meeting you in the Twin Cities when you're in the states next if, as you say, we're not in martial law or something. :)

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if you ever get to come back, get in touch. I'll meet you up there. I live about 6 hours from Minneapolis now in Wisconsin. Easy drive. The people I know up there don't talk to me anymore because I voted for President Trump. They can kiss my @ss. Or, as my grandma would say, "They can scratch their mad place."

I would love to go back to the U with someone who was there about the same time I was and who is a patriot now. That would be a memorable trip.

Ireland has always intrigued me, but frightened me a bit too. I couldn't figure that out until a number of years ago a psychic reader told me that the reason I was so paranoid and freaked out about the Y2K stuff was because of my lifetime in Ireland when my two kids had died in the potato famine.

I've been to Scotland and loved the scenery. Would love to travel around Europe and see the historic sites, but I don't see me traveling abroad anytime soon. Maybe when all the nonsense gets sorted out.

Thank you so much for bringing all these memories back for me. I so loved my time in the Twin Cities. But when i settled down, I settled down in a tiny little town that I dearly love. It's been quite an adventure, all in all. I would sure go back for a visit, but I wouldn't want to go back in time. :)

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

I looked it up--it was the Cub Foods in Fridley that we went to.

My boyfriend had grandparents in northern Minnesota and I was very close to his grandparents. I picked U of MN to go to college because I knew he would be comfortable in MN and we were leaving northern Illinois, which had gotten hammered by the 80s recession. I grew up in a rural area and wanted to live in a big city. I look back and am a bit baffled by my own courage at the time. I was 17 when I graduated from high school and drove to MN by myself to find an apartment for us.

You took the 16 bus. I had forgotten the number of the bus but after I stopped working at the daycare center after only a few months because I was sick all the time, I got a different workstudy job at the U's General Storehouse, which was between the Mpls & SP campuses. I'm pretty sure it was the 16 bus I took to get over there. We had my 1980 Mustang car, but my boyfriend drove it to work in South St Paul every day, so I walked or took the bus.

You don't live in the U.S. now?

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was absolutely naive. I remember the CIA recruitment protests. I remember walking past the hall where we did registration--Fraser Hall, I think--while that was going on because the protesters were blocking that road between Fraser Hall and Walter Library.

I had no idea about the occult bookshops or the "white witch" stuff. I was literally a Stranger in a Strange Land. But I lived in lots of places during and after my college years up there: St Anthony Main area, at the co-op on fraternity row for a bit, in Roseville (birthplace of Richard Dean Anderson), Uptown, East St. Paul, and then in the Lake St area just before I moved back to Illinois. I look back now and think that I was actually fortunate that I had to work so much to pay my way through college. My Mom (God bless her!) managed even in the midst of the 80s recession to pay my tuition at the U (I had in-state tuition after the first year because I had applied for it due to my boyfriend and I moving to MN to escape the economic disaster in the city we grew up in), but I paid my living expenses. So I was a full time student but working 30 hours per week too. I had no time to do anything but staying focused. In retrospect, i think that saved me from a lot of grief on multiple fronts.

I remember the Jacob Wetterling case vividly and have done a fair amount of digging on it since Q came on the scene. That case was definitely NOT what they were telling us it was.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, pretty sure it was Cub Foods. We lived on 5th St SE up not far from St. Anthony Main area. So we did our shopping to the west to stay away from the more expensive areas by the U--Dinkytown, Stadium Village, etc. My boyfriend and I had moved to Minneapolis from Illinois, so we didn't know where anything was except to go find the places we needed. I remember Rainbow Foods too (another name I had not thought of in years), but I'm pretty sure it was Cub Foods we went to because years later when I was back in Illinois, Cub Foods came to northern Illinois and I was thrilled. Open 24 hours a day, which was not that common in the late 80s. Didn't matter when I was in Minneapolis, but when I was back in illinois, I worked second shift at a newspaper as a copy editor so I would do my grocery shopping after I got off work at 1 a.m. I loved walking around Cub Foods when almost nobody was there and there were no lines at the check out. Even now, I like grocery stores. I hate any other kind of shopping, but I can spend hours walking around a grocery store looking at just whatever. Expensive proposition these days.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

The quad in the autumn and Husker Du! Reminders of things I had not thought of in a long time. Makes me smile. Thank you. I was a poor college student so I didn't eat out anywhere really. You'll laugh but my weekly splurge was when my boyfriend and I went to Cub Foods on Sundays and would spend $5 taking turns on the Asteroids video game before we did our grocery shopping. We had gotten so good at Asteroids by the time we stopped doing that, that we could spend $5 and entertain ourselves for 3 or 4 hours or more. Lol.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I walked over that East Bank to West Bank bridge nearly every day because my classes were on East Bank but my workstudy job was at a daycare center on the West Bank. I think they only got the heating system in the covered bridge working a bit in my last year at the U. My first year I was an 18-year-old kid and so naive. I am still haunted by a couple of the things I saw in that daycare center that I only started looking at differently after Q came on the scene. The daycare was a low-income facility with pre-school age kids, so we had kids who were 2, 3, and 4. Only potty-trained kids. I remember being absolutely floored and confused when I watched a group of three small children--a boy and two girls--with a doll on the little table in the kitchen area and their little plastic forks and knives pretending to cut up the doll. I was a bit freaked out watching and said, "What are you doing?" The oldest little girl in the group--a four-year-old girl named Erin--looked up at me grinning and said, "We're eating our baby." I was just gobsmacked. I said, "What?" thinking surely I had misheard her, but she cheerfully said it again with the little boy next to her, Robert, joining in, "We're eating our baby!" I was like WTF?!

I was so disturbed by it that I wrote about it in my journal at the time, trying to make sense out of it. Where would these kids have gotten this idea? I'd never seen anything like it and I had babysat a fair number of kids.

Now I look back at it and think, Holy shit. What was I really seeing signs of there? It was back at nearly the same time as the McMartin Preschool stuff was happening in California. I only worked a couple hours a day at the end of each day at that Minneapolis government-subsidized daycare center, so who knows what was going on in those kids' lives the rest of their days? It still freaks me out to think about it, but now we all have more context for the dark things we've seen in our world. I can't say that I wish I knew then what I know now. I don't know how my cheerful 18-year-old brain would have handled it. I'm not sure I could have handled it. That's part of how I remind myself that waking people up slowly as Q and the team have done was a wise way to do it.

WTFChuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

At 3:07/22:03 of the video there's a pic of an NSA tweet from 4/12/2019. In it is a picture of the Cyber Warrior Woman of the Year Award recipient. She's standing in front of a Q on a queen of hearts card. I followed a dig a number of years ago that traced back to that pic and that tweet. The conclusion of the dig was that the woman in that pic was "MegaAnon". I don't know how many people here were on the boards following Q from the beginning, but I was and the reason I was was because I had been on the boards following MegaAnon. What a ride this has been. I hope someday we get to go to conferences to meet and shake hands with these people. Like a giant Q Con. I would love to meet this woman. Before Q, she was a source of hope and inspiration for me. And the stories we could hear from the Q team. I've been to 3 Trump rallies--I kind of consider those Q+ conferences. :)

WTFChuck 22 points ago +22 / -0


Thank you. I will watch it and likely weep. I went to college in Minneapolis in the the late 80s. I loved the City and loved "the U". It's heartbreaking to see what has happened to a once lovely city, and to know that the downfall came because of the inherent tolerance and kindness of the people who populated the state of Minnesota. Lots of Norwegians and Swedes there. At a time when much of the country was still strained as far as race issues went, Minneapolis was the home of Prince and he was beloved. Very accepting people in Minneapolis. And that's why it was targeted to send a ton of people from Somalia. It's awful.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you so much for this information. I myself am a devout Christian and also believe in reincarnation. It's in the New Testament if you pay attention (like when Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say I am?" and they answered, "Some say Elijah..." ).

It sounds like Patton lived a LOT of lives as a soldier. Some people believe that he is Trumps biological father. I don't know about that, but if I've learned anything since 2016 it's that ANYTHING is possible. The hidden war has been happening for a LONG time.

I find your mention of Patton being an Englishman at Agincourt particularly interesting. The story of Henry V (as told by Shakespeare and as beautifully put to the big screen by Kenneth Branagh) has long been fascinating to me. And my son when he was very young (5 or 6) was fascinated as well and by the time he was 10 or so he had memorized some of the best of Henry V's speeches from the Shakespeare. It reminds me very much of the anons. I was watching the chans the year before Q came onto the scene so I caught what was happening with Q from the beginning and to this day, I think of Henry V's pep talk to his Englishmen where he said to them, "We few! We happy few!" Amen to that. I feel blessed to be a witness and small participant in such a monumental happening in the history of the world.

Thank you again. Blessings to you and yours. WWG1WGA!

WTFChuck 11 points ago +11 / -0

Congratulations, dude. Happy to hear this kind of news. Clif High had a protocol for clearing out the spike proteins. I'm looking for it on his Twitter. I remember two important elements of it were ivermectin and nattokinase. I'll see if I can find it and link it here.

Edit to add: I can't find Clif's but this link mentions the nattokinase. Also, I found lots of good links on Yandex by typing in "clear the spike protein":


WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't believe so. But I remember that Patton was discussed and I think he was the Roman who defeated Hannibal, if I remember correctly? I believe Patton himself talked about that, so maybe I'm combining the two.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think David Wilcock has tied Trump to some past historical personages in his book The Synchronicity Key. Nixon too. I need to re-read that book. It's very interesting because it describes like a geometric spiral like pattern to history. Very interesting.

WTFChuck 10 points ago +10 / -0

This is why I love humanity. We can have our asses handed to us day in and day out by these globalists with their enslaving-humanity agenda, but some clever bastard still overlays Sound of Silence over this footage, nailing it, AND making us laugh. God bless humanity.

WTFChuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

ABC once again demonstrates what a dumpster fire their "news" division is. The article is choppy, so what got cut out. It suddenly talks about Rep Tom Tiffany, but calls him "Tiffany" without introducing, so what happened to the section before that presumably did that. And it's all about defending the democrat election thieves and their take on things.

F*ck ABC news. I wish I could blame all of the election shenanigans in Wisconsin on Dems, but, alas, it is the RINOs at the top of the Assembly defending the Dem election apparatus. Disgusting.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Rx topical ivermectin is called "Soolantra". I have a friend who uses it for rosacea and says it works great.

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

My Mom is almost 78 and my in-laws are 80 and 81. They are ALL based AF. And they are red-pilling anybody they can every day. They say old dogs can't learn new tricks. That's not the case these days--it's my two kids that I birthed that won't even speak to me because I voted for Trump. Fortunately, my bonus kids are all awake. You are right that more people are awake than we maybe realize. :)

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

My thought exactly! I was sure he was gay. Actually, he probably is gay. These deep staters all have marriages of convenience or of cover. Disgusting people.

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