posted ago by alphaliberal ago by alphaliberal +19 / -0

There is a big difference between Capitalism and Free Market Enterprise.

Here what our first Republican President and American Hero Abraham Lincoln said about this issue:

'Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.'

To me that means that the workers, meaning WE THE PEOPLE, who get up everyday and go make an honest living who do all the labor. Does anyone really believe some investor or CEO on Wall Street labors? Do you believe they got there honestly? Did Bill Gates get rich honestly?

Capitalism means capital which is the property, machinery, the cars/trucks, the technology that makes the economy work. Who makes all these things? The capitalists or the those who labor? A hammer doesn't just appear out of nowhere. The machinery that helps make the hammer just doesn't appear out of nowhere. Someone had to labor to put up the factory, make and install the machinery, and and give us the end product the hammer.

Don't listen to the Chicago School of Economics Milton Friedman and others who preach the 'virtues of capitalism'. What they don't tell you is if it weren't for labor no one would get a thing and the rich would never become rich. Insanely rich just like the headline in this story mentions. The profit motive (Milton Friedman's god) is all that matters no matter the consequences and damn labor and the rest of public.

From 1st Timothy 6:10 of the Holy Bible:

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil"

I still can't wrap my head around how those who claim to follow Jesus worship money.

PS. Call me a communist all you want. But making sure Capitalist are kept under control via government laws and reasonable regulations guarantees that there is a true free market enterprise system.

FYI: this post inspired this rant https://greatawakening.win/p/19A1QIRJAn/where-there-is-a-profit-motive-t/c/