This frog will guinea pig the espoused regimen for science. 17 times seems like a good control number.
EDIT: OK fReNs! GuD nEwS iT wOrkD! I dO nOt hAvE cHyNa ViRuS bUt I sPeNt aLL teH dOgFoOd MoNeY oN $DJT aNd ToLd tHe nEiGhBoRs 90% oF eLeCteD oFfIcIaLs R p3d0vOrEs
This frog will guinea pig the espoused regimen for science. 17 times seems like a good control number.
EDIT: OK fReNs! GuD nEwS iT wOrkD! I dO nOt hAvE cHyNa ViRuS bUt I sPeNt aLL teH dOgFoOd MoNeY oN $DJT aNd ToLd tHe nEiGhBoRs 90% oF eLeCteD oFfIcIaLs R p3d0vOrEs
Checks out. puts sunglasses on sunglasses