I can personally and professionally attest that Hazleton, PA was 99% caucasian in 1990. It is now 66% (quite possibly more) Dominican. Of that percent, it is estimated that 40% are "US Citizens" meaning they have had several US-born children.
I can vouch for Hazleton Pa. If ICE cleans house in Hazleton, there won't be anyone left. Illegals have taken over the town. The school student population is over 90% foreigners in the downtown area.
Hard as it may be for some folks to believe, northeast Pennsylania needs a heavy ICE purging as well.
I can personally and professionally attest that Hazleton, PA was 99% caucasian in 1990. It is now 66% (quite possibly more) Dominican. Of that percent, it is estimated that 40% are "US Citizens" meaning they have had several US-born children.
I can vouch for Hazleton Pa. If ICE cleans house in Hazleton, there won't be anyone left. Illegals have taken over the town. The school student population is over 90% foreigners in the downtown area.