"When income is cut off many seeking refuge will not have the money to self deport.?"
How much money did it take them to get here?
Those 40 million aren't "contributing to the economy." On the contrary, they are a huge drain on it, as well as being an enormous social disruption.
"Some people have commented that this could leave a lot of desperate people wandering around."
Isn't that what we have right now?
It's irrelevant to me how they got here, or why. Playing the Blame Game doesn't change the cold fact that they all need to go, now.
Sorry, but that sounds too much like the old "B-b-but they're not all like that!" excuse.
I want them all gone. If that's Racist, Bigoted and Unfair, well, so be it.
No, we don't need to "segue (correct spelling) from one to the other." We need to hammer home that both need to be stopped.
"The next stage is 325,000 missing kids from the Border in our own country and then directly to late term abortions and selling of baby parts directly to HAITI and the Clinton Foundation with the Amber Alert Beacon facts."
I agree. But we have to face the fact that this revelation is so horrible that most average people simply cannot believe it. Their imaginations shut down completely when faced with truths as monstrous as these. They're not evil or stupid, they literally can't imagine such depravity.
In addition, the two topics address completely different areas of concern. Eating Our Pets is an illustration of Why We Don't Want Illegal Savages In Our Country.
But Kidnapping And Late-Term Abortions alert us to Why Indiscriminate Abortions And Human Trafficking Are Bad.
So no, one does not necessarily lead to another. The two situations are standalone.
Or where illegal Hatian savages migh be lurking.
No Hatians are starving in Springfield.
But that needs to be arranged.
PETA is to actual animal welfare orgainzations what the Sierra Club is to actual conservation.
Both are justfar-left fronts.
Absolutely right.
Obviously, that girl is a Racist, and needs to be locked up.
"Small," my ass!
Republicans? Or RINOs?
Merrick Garland is dangerous and outrageous.
Upvoted for remembering that old one!
""Gee mom and dad, you don't suppose there would be a reason the media wouldn't report this, do you? They wouldn't be working with the administration to hide stories that might be harmful to Kammy's election, would they?""
That's my brother-in-law, to a tee.
I find a 9mm S&W to be adequate.
I'd say give them a diet of grilled hatians, but that would likely be toxic.
Or by the admnistration of any large American university.
I speak from experience.
Thanx for the warning. This whole topic is really distasteful; watching it would just be sickening, and wouldn't make me think any less of the savage hatian invaders than I already do.
Okay, you're wrong.