posted ago by digaroundandfindout ago by digaroundandfindout +40 / -1

Seeing a lot of posts about Trump not putting his hand on the Bible and people commenting that he did with no sauce or because they don't want to believe it.

Here is a video where it starts at the 2:40 mark to show he does not put his hand on the Bible. 1 cell phone cannot block an entire view, nor arm, nor hand.


It just didn't happen, please accept this.

It is clear Melania is uncomfortable and probably even upset about this.

It is clear that there was no guidance for Trump to do so like with Vance.

It is clear that it was rushed and Melania was not given time to come up like Vance's family, but she knew what was going on and promptly did her part to get up there to keep things going. She was well aware regardless so good on her.

Take this for whatever you want. But the fact is, Trump did not put his hand on the Bible.