Seeing 30 stickies on the board seems truly appropriate. What a momentous time, So many Executive Orders, so much action. Truly, this is a time we have been praying for, working for, waiting for, longing for, and hoping for.
And, it's just the start.
The Board full of splendiferous stickies seems wholly appropriate. How else are the frogs of going to celebrate? Stickies are our flags, a celebration of everything we hope to offer to the movement. Shitposts, Gen chat, Memes, glorious posts, all and everything.
But as I counted through the number, and saw we had 30 stickies up (as of posting this), I thought to myself, you know. I'd just love to see SEVENTEEN more.
And 17 more would hit two targets: Q and also Potus 47, aka Q+.
Oh, mods! Don't you agree? Can we get to 47? Once in a lifetime is the now we are seeing.
Godspeed, GAW, you glorious bastards and bastardettes.